Fulgebunt justi

( The righteous shall as lilies flower forth )

Lassus, Roland de (1532?-1594) [ Belgium ; Franco-Flemish ]

Published by Mercury Music [USA] , 1941 ; in Cantiones duarum vocum : Magnum opus I-XX (24 p.)
Ref. : 352-00011 ; MC 11  (2 p.) , "Dessoff choir series"
Editor or author of the restitution: Boepple, Paul
Type of material: Full score
Text in: Latin + adapted in English
Epoque: 16th century  (1550-1599)
Genre-Style-Form: Motet ; Sacred ; Renaissance
Type of Choir: SA OR TB OR unspecified voicing  (2 equal voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: A modal ; A major
Duration: 1.0 min.
Musicological Sources: From Novae aliquot ad duas voces cantiones suavissimae (Munich, 1577) later reprinted in Magnum Opus (1604), the collection of Lassus's motets published by his sons after his death
Source of text: Antiphon from an old breviary

Princeton, USA

Talbott Library, Westminster Choir College of Rider University
101 Walnut Lane, PRINCETON, NJ 08540; Ph. (+1) 609-921-7100
Consultable under : Perf. Coll. # W24   (103 copies)