Le Père Noël perd la tête

( Père Noël, tu as dû te tromper )

Paret, Mireille (born in 19..) [ France ]

Published by A Coeur Joie France [France] , 2021 ; in Cantourel 11 - Les saisons en chansons (32 p.)
Number of pages : 2
Type of material: Choral score and Chords
Text in: French
Epoque: 21st century
Genre-Style-Form: Secular ; Partsong ; Children
Type of Choir: unisson  (1 children voices )
Instrumentation: Guitar OR Piano  (1 instrumental part(s))
Instruments: Piano (1) or Guitar (1)
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 2
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Tonality: C minor
Duration: 2.5 min.
Number of verses: 2

Strasbourg, France

Bureau de Musica International
Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 36 17 54.
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