Great is thy faithfulness

( Summer and winter and springtime and harvest ; Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth )

Mus.: Runyan, William M. (1870-1957) [ USA ]

Arr.: Carter, Nathan (1936-2004) [ USA ]

Text by Lounasheimo, Kustavi (1882-1948)
Published by G.I.A. Publications [USA] , 2001
Ref. : G-5590  (12 p.) , "African American church music series"
Type of material: Piano-vocal score
Copyright : Text and tune, Hope Publishing Co., 1923; this arrangement, Hope Publishing Co., 2001
Text in: English
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Hymn (sacred) ; Hymntune setting ; Gospel
Mood of the piece: expressive ; slow
Type of Choir: SSATB  (5 mixed voices )
Soloist(s): Alto (1)  (1 soloist(s))
Instrumentation: Keyboard OR Orchestra  (1 instrumental part(s))
Instruments: Piano (1)
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Tonality: D major
Duration: 6.0 min.
Number of verses: 3
Musicological Sources: Full orchestration available from the publisher

Strasbourg, France

Bureau de Musica International
Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 36 17 54.
Consultable under : Spirituals Gospels Instru

Princeton, USA

Talbott Library, Westminster Choir College of Rider University
101 Walnut Lane, PRINCETON, NJ 08540; Ph. (+1) 609-921-7100
Consultable under : Perf. Coll. # 1821   (59 copies)