Vier geistliche Gesänge (1985)

Heilig bist du - Ave Maria - Gloria-Motette - Salve Regina

( Heilig, heilig bist du )

... Meiner Gattin ...

Ziegler, Josef Wolfgang (1906-2000) [ Austria ]

Published by Anton-Verlag [Germany] , 1985
Ref. : 00294/85  (8 p.)
Type of material: Choral score
Text in: Latin + adapted in German
Epoque: 20th century  (1980-1989)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Motet
Mood of the piece: solemn ; intimate
Type of Choir: SSA  (3 children OR women voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Duration: 8.0 min.
Liturgical Use: General
Source of text: Liturgisch