Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes (1990)

Sirett, Mark G (born in 1952) [ Canada ]

Published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers [USA] , 1995
Ref. : 0800675304  (3 p.)
Type of material: Octavo score
Copyright : Augsburg Fortress
Text in: English
Epoque: 20th century
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Motet
Mood of the piece: reflective
Type of Choir: SSAA OR Women's Choir OR Female voices OR children OR Treble  (4 equal OR women voices )
Soloist(s): S  (1 soloist(s))
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 2
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): A
Tonality: E major
Duration: 2.5 min.
Liturgical Use: Advent ; Christmas ; General
Source of text: Possibly Early American
Comment(s): One of the top selling Augsburg octavos that has been arranged for equal treble voices. This is one of the most frequently performed sacred works in Canada. Often recorded and broadcast on CBC