Quadri pezzi sacri .- Pater noster

( O Padre nostro, che ne' cieli stai )

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901) [ Italy ]

Adaptor of the text: Horn, Paul (born in 1922) [Germany]
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) [Italy]
Published by Carus-Verlag Stuttgart [Germany] , 1978
Ref. : CV 40.152/10  (8 p.)
Editor or author of the restitution: Graulich, Günter
Type of material: Full score
Text in: Italian + adapted in German
Epoque: 19th century  (1850-1899)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Romantic ; Prayer
Mood of the piece: chromatism
Type of Choir: SSATB  (5 mixed voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 4
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: G major
Duration: 6.0 min.
Liturgical Use: Our Father
Biblical references: Matthew : 6, 9-13
Source of text: bible

Namur, Belgium

CAV&MA (Centre d'Art Vocal & de Musique Ancienne)
Tel.: +32 81 71 16 21. Email : bibliotheque@cavema.be
Consultable under : CAV&MA/L/VER/001443 ; MCC/F/VER/010549

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
Tel. (+49) (0)6431-9717271. Email : kontakt@chorwelt.info . Web: https://www.dcfc.de