Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht / Silent night, holy night / Sveta noc, blazena noc

... Dedicated to Mario Pagotto ...

Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787-1863) [ Austria ]

Arr.: Copi, Ambroz (born in 1973) [ Slovenia ]

Text by Mohr, Josef (1792-1848) [Austria]
Adaptor of the text: Young, John Freeman (1820-1885) [USA]
Aljaz, Jakob (1845-1927) [Slovenia]
Published by Astrum Music Publications [Slovenia] , 2004
Number of pages : 7
Type of material: Full score
ISMN/ISBN : M709014538
Text in: German + adapted in English ; Slovenian
Epoque: 19th century  (1800-1849)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Christmas carol ; Traditional
Type of Choir: SATB (div.)  (4 mixed voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Tonality: D major
Duration: 3.0 min.
Liturgical Use: Christmas
Number of verses: 3

Strasbourg, France

Bureau de Musica International
Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 36 17 54.
Location of the CD: CD-0099 ; CD-0206