Missa Sancti Leopoldi

Haydn, Michael (1737-1806) [ Austria ]

Published by Edition Peters [Germany]
Ref. : A68
Text in: Latin
Epoque: 18th century  (1750-1799)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Classic ; Mass
Type of Choir: SSA  (3 women voices )
Instrumentation: Chamber orchestra  (6 instrumental part(s))
Instruments: Organ (1) ; Strings
Liturgical Use: Mass
   Audio excerpt

sung by Calliope (France)
conducted by Régine Théodoresco

Discographic ref. : Calliope CAL 9328 : Michaël Haydn


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Record #15688

Strasbourg, France

Bureau de Musica International
Tel.: +33 (0)3 88 36 17 54.
Location of the CD: CD-0075

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
Tel. (+49) (0)6431-9717271. Email : kontakt@chorwelt.info . Web: https://www.dcfc.de