Critters: Several American Folk Songs .- The Goose, the Hog, and my Dog Blue / All the Pretty Horses / Leatherwing Bat (1998)

... Commissioned by The Commission Project for the Summit Singers and Academy Chorale of Saint Paul Academy and Summit School, Anne Klus, Director ...

Arr.: Thomas, David Evan (born in 1958) [ USA ]

Published by Yelton Rhodes Music [USA]
Type of material: Choral score
Copyright : Yelton Rhodes Music, 2000
Text in: English
Epoque: 20th century  (1990-2000)
Genre-Style-Form: Secular ; Folk music
Type of Choir: SSA  (3 women voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Duration: 10.0 min.