All Creatures Of Our God and King

... Commissioned by Bradley Hampton for ...

Arr.: Edenroth, Anders (born in 1963) [ Sweden ]

Text by Francesco d'Assisi (1182-1226) [Italy] (1225)
Adaptor of the text: Draper, William Henry (1855-1933) [Great Britain]
Published by Walton Music [USA] , 2012
Ref. : WRG1021 ; 08501840  (13 p.)
Type of material: Full score
Text in: English
Epoque: 21st century  (2001-2010)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Hymn (sacred) ; Canticle
Mood of the piece: slow ; gentle
Type of Choir: SSSAATBB  (8 mixed voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: E flat major ; B flat major ; F major
Duration: 6.0 min.
Liturgical Use: Entrance ; Praise
Number of verses: 4
Origin: Italy
Musicological Sources: Lasst uns erfreuen herzlich sehr, Friedrich Spee, "Auserlesene, Catholische, Geistliche Kirchengesäng" (1623)
Source of text: Cantico delle creature ; Cantico di Frate Sole