Nativitas .- We three kings of Orient are

Roost, Jan van der (born in 1956) [ Belgium ]

Text by Hopkins Jr., John Henry (1820-1891) [USA]
Published by Euprint editions [Belgium] , 2018
Ref. : 2018/117  (7 p.)
Type of material: Full score
Text in: English
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Christmas carol ; Hymn (sacred)
Type of Choir: SATB  (4 mixed voices )
Instrumentation: Organ  (1 instrumental part(s))
Instruments: Organ (1) ; Percussion (ad lib)
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: A minor
Duration: 3.5 min.
Liturgical Use: Christmas
Number of verses: 5
Origin: USA