Motet pour le St Sacrement (1770)

O mysterium adorabile

( O mistèrium adoràbile )

Antheaume, Eloi Augustin (1710-1762) [ France ]

Published by Editions de la Schola Cantorum [Switzerland] , 1919
Number of pages : 2
Editor or author of the restitution: Lioncourt, G. de
Type of material: Choral score
Text in: Latin
Epoque: 18th century  (1750-1799)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Motet
Mood of the piece: slow ; sombre
Type of Choir: unisson  (1 mixed OR equal voices )
Instrumentation: Optional instrumental accompaniment
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 2
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Liturgical Use: Benediction (of the Blessed Sacrament)