Abschied vom Walde


( O Täler weit, o Höhen )

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix (1809-1847) [ Germany ]

Text by Eichendorff, Joseph von (1788-1857) [Germany]
Published by Fritz Spies Verlag [Germany]
Ref. : S2027-1
Text in: German
Epoque: 19th century  (1800-1849)
Type of Choir: mixed
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 2
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Duration: 3.0 min.
Source of text: "Das Leben eines Taugenichts"

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
Tel. (+49) (0)6431-9717271. Email : kontakt@chorwelt.info . Web: https://www.dcfc.de