Adventkantate .- Wie soll ich dich empfangen

Lüderitz, Wolfgang (1926-2012) [ Germany ]

Text by Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676) [Germany] (1653)
Published by Wildt's Musikverlag [Germany]
Ref. : W 892047 M
Type of material: Full score
Text in: German
Epoque: 20th century
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Cantata
Type of Choir: SATB  (4 mixed voices )
Soloist(s): Soprano (1) / Alto (1)  (2 soloist(s))
Instrumentation: Organ OR String orchestra  (5 instrumental part(s))
Instruments: Violin (2) ; Viola (1) ; Cello (1) ; Double bass (1)
Tonality: D major
Liturgical Use: Advent

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
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