Lobt Gott, ihr Christen

Rübben, Hermann-Josef (born in 1928) [ Germany ]

Mel.: Hermann, Nikolaus (1480?-1561) [ Germany ] (1554)

Text by Hermann, Nikolaus (1480?-1561) [Germany] (1560)
Published by Rabe Verlag [Germany]
Ref. : R259-1
Text in: German
Epoque: 20th century
Type of Choir: men
Liturgical Use: ; Song of the week ; Christmas

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
Tel. (+49) (0)6431-9717271. Email : kontakt@chorwelt.info . Web: https://www.dcfc.de