O Dieu, j'espère en Toi (1648)

Herr, auf dich traue ich

SWV 377

( O Dieu, j'espère en Toi ! Garde moi du mal et de la honte. )

... La partie d'orgue (ad libitum) peut être obtenue auprès de Cantate Domino ...

Schütz, Heinrich (1585-1672) [ Germany ]

Adaptor of the text: Pidoux, Edmond (1908-2004) [Switzerland]
Published by Cantate Domino [Switzerland]
Ref. : CD 89  (12 p.)
Type of material: Choral score
Text in: French
Epoque: 17th century  (1600-1649)
Genre-Style-Form: Sacred ; Motet
Type of Choir: SSATB  (5 mixed voices )
Instruments: Organ (ad lib)
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Tonality: F major
Duration: 5.0 min.
Number of verses: 1
Origin: Germany
   Audio excerpt

sung by Dresdner Kammerchor
conducted by Hans-Christoph Rademann

Discographic ref. : Geistliche Chor-Music 1648, Carus 83.232/00

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Record #62147