Ung gay bergier

( Un gay berger )

( Ung gay bergier prioit une bergiere )

Créquillon, Thomas (1505?-1557?) [ Franco-Flemish ; Belgium ]

Ref. : N°1113  (4 p.) , "Renaissance franco-flamande"
Type of material: Full score
Copyright : Centre de documentation A Coeur Joie Belgique
Text in: French
Epoque: 15 ; 16th century
Genre-Style-Form: Secular ; Love song ; Renaissance
Mood of the piece: roguish
Type of Choir: SATB  (4 mixed voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: G mixolydian
Duration: 2.0 min.
Musicological Sources: Editions Susato et Phalèse, 1550/10, p.26 in "Recueils imprimés XVIè-XVIIè siècles, Ed.F.Lesure, Vol.1,B/I/1, Munich-Duisbourg, 1960 ; RISM 1543/16, folio 16, 1560/6, 1644/3

Namur, Belgium

CAV&MA (Centre d'Art Vocal & de Musique Ancienne)
Tel.: +32 81 71 16 21. Email : bibliotheque@cavema.be
Consultable under : CAV&MA/F/CRE/13869

Lyon, France

Bibliothèque d'A Coeur Joie France
Tel.: (+33) (0)4 72 19 83 30. Email : editions@choralies.org