Madrigali a cinque voci miste .- Silenzio (1993)

Bettinelli, Bruno (1913-2004) [ Italy ]

Text by Gosso, Anna Eva [Italy]
Published by Suvini Zerboni Edizioni [Italy] , 1996
Ref. : 11065  (8 p.)
Text in: Italian
Epoque: 20th century
Genre-Style-Form: Secular ; Contemporary ; Madrigal
Mood of the piece: mournful
Type of Choir: SSATB  (5 mixed voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 4
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): C
Tonality: atonal
Duration: 3.0 min.
Comment(s): It's the 4th of these 7 Madrigals. It was exactly written in september 1993.