Choral sentences for worship

Call to worship - Call to worship - Introit - Opening sentence - Prayer response or dismissal sentence - Prayer response - Prayer response or dismissal sentence - Dismissal sentence

( Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed ; Worship Him! Come now with singing ; Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel ; Praise to the Lord ; Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul ; Fill our hearts, O Lord as we go forth to serve ; Our Father, we call upon your name ; Lord, we come to you for wisdom ; God be with you till we meet again )

Wood, C. Dale (1934-2003) [ USA ]

Autor del texto: Wood, C. Dale (1934-2003) [USA]
Rankin, Jeremiah Eames (1828-1904) [USA]
Adaptador del texto: Wood, C. Dale (1934-2003) [USA]
Editado por Sacred Music Press [USA] , 1973
Ref.: S-141  (11 p.)
Tipo del material: Partitura general
Texto en: inglés
Época : Siglo 20
Género/Estilo/Forma: Sagrado ; Responsorio ; Salmo
Tipo de formación coral: SATB  (4 voces Coro mixto )
Solistas : Soprano (1)  (1 solista(s) )
Instrumentación: Teclado  (1 partes instrumentales)
Instrumentos: Organo (1)
Dificultad corista ( 1 a 5): 3
Dificultad director ( A a E): C
Tonalidad : sol mayor ; do menor ; re menor ; sol menor ; mi bemol mayor
Duración : 5.0 min.
Referencias bíblicas : Salmos : 100

Princeton, USA

Talbott Library, Westminster Choir College of Rider University
101 Walnut Lane, PRINCETON, NJ 08540; Tel. (+1) 609-921-7100
Consultable bajo : Perf. Coll. # 378   (54 copies)