Responsaries for the offices of tenebrae

Tenebrae of Maundy Thursday - Tenebrae of Good Friday - Tenebrae of Holy Saturday

( On the mount of Olives he prayed ; My soul is exceeding sorrowful ; Behold, we have seen him ; All my friends have forsaken me ; The veil of the temple was rent ; O my choicest vine ; He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter ; Arise, Jerusalem, and put off thy garments of joy ; Lament like a virgin, O my people )

Willan, Healey (1880-1968) [ Canadá ; Gran Bretaña ]

Editado por Leslie Music Supply [Canadá] , 1996
Ref.: 4134  (18 p.) , "Leslie choral series"
Tipo del material: Partitura general
Copyright : BMI Canada Limited, 1956; assigned to Leslie Music Supply Inc., 1996
Texto en: inglés
Época : Siglo 20
Género/Estilo/Forma: Sagrado ; Responsorio ; Liturgia
Carácter de la pieza : vertical ; sombrío
Tipo de formación coral: SATB  (4 voces Coro mixto )
Dificultad corista ( 1 a 5): 2
Dificultad director ( A a E): B
Tonalidad : fa mayor
Uso litúrgico: Semana Santa ; Jueves Santo ; Viernes Santo ; Sabado Santo
Fuentes del texto : Tenebrae responses

Princeton, USA

Talbott Library, Westminster Choir College of Rider University
101 Walnut Lane, PRINCETON, NJ 08540; Tel. (+1) 609-921-7100
Consultable bajo : Perf. Coll. # 1822   (59 copies)