The team

Board of Directors of Musica International:

President: Dominique Lecheval (FranceEditions A Cœur Joie France)

Vice President: Noël Minet (BelgiumCentre d’Art Vocal et de Musique Ancienne)

Secretary: Mary Ellen Kitchens (GermanyArchiv Frau & Musik)

Treasurer: Montserrat Cadevall (CataluniaFederació Catalana d’Entitats Corals (FCEC)

Assessors : Manfred Bender (Germany Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik) ;

Reijo Kekkonen (FinlandSulasol Editions) ;
Côme Ferrand Cooper (France – A Coeur Joie) ;
Laurier Fagnan (CanadaChoral Canada).

General Manager: Jean Sturm (FranceMore)

Members of the international coordination office:

The founder of Musica International, and its Executive Director. For Jean, Musica is the perfect crossover between his career as a research scientist – where he made extensive computing use – his passion for choral music and his qualities as a project leader.

Jean fell in love with choral music at a very early age. He took up the baton at 15 and later studied conducting with César Geoffray (choirs) and Jean-François Paillard (orchestral work).

In 1969 he set up the Ensemble Vocal Allegro in Strasbourg, where he remained at the helm until 2006.

For over 40 years he worked as a trainer with A Coeur Joie and the Centre d’Art Polyphonique d’Alsace and took a leading role in international events and seminars.

To honour his achievements, in 2014 Jean was awarded the rank of chevalier de l’Ordre français des Arts et des Lettres.

To find out more about Jean Sturm

Contact him

Pierre-Luc, our music librarian, is a musicologist, singer and choir conductor.

He is responsible for expanding the choral database and verifying content.

He is in direct contact with contributors and publishers, to whom he provides guidance and advice on their work in Musica.

Contact him

Photo de MariellePassionate about music and languages since childhood, Silane pursued studies in languages and cultures in France and Germany while nurturing her love for choral singing in various professional and amateur choirs. Specializing in (inter)cultural communication, she joined Musica International in 2024 as a volunteer communications officer, contributing to the project’s outreach while continuing to sing in several choirs in Strasbourg.

Feel free to contact her for any inquiries or collaboration proposals related to Musica, publications, or events.

Photo de MarielleNative of Strasbourg, Marielle previously worked for Musica International between 2000 and 2002 as our music documentalist. She is now our web designer and graphic designer who is in charge of recrafting and updating the pages of our website and providing visuals.

She is also a professionally trained singer and make-up artist, and continues to be involved artistically through computer graphics and other artwork, on which she keeps a blog.

Please contact Marielle if you see anything wrong with our visuals or want to suggest any improvements.

Contact her

Our punctilious webmaster ensures that and the database software are error-free and constantly evolving so as to guarantee a pleasant and productive user experience.

Please, if you have any technical problems, contact him!

The founder of Musica International, and its Executive Director. For Jean, Musica is the perfect crossover between his career as a research scientist – where he made extensive computing use – his passion for choral music and his qualities as a project leader.

Jean fell in love with choral music at a very early age. He took up the baton at 15 and later studied conducting with César Geoffray (choirs) and Jean-François Paillard (orchestral work).

In 1969 he set up the Ensemble Vocal Allegro in Strasbourg (, where he remained at the helm until 2006.

For over 40 years he worked as a trainer with A Coeur Joie and the Centre d’Art Polyphonique d’Alsace and took a leading role in international events and seminars.

To honour his achievements, in 2014 Jean was awarded the rank of chevalier de l’Ordre français des Arts et des Lettres.

To find out more about Jean Sturm

Contact him

Pierre-Luc, our music librarian, is a musicologist, singer and choir conductor.

He is responsible for expanding the choral database and verifying content.

He is in direct contact with contributors and publishers, to whom he provides guidance and advice on their work in Musica.

Contact him

Photo de MariellePassionate about music and languages since childhood, Silane pursued studies in languages and cultures in France and Germany while nurturing her love for choral singing in various professional and amateur choirs. Specializing in (inter)cultural communication, she joined Musica International in 2024 as a volunteer communications officer, contributing to the project’s outreach while continuing to sing in several choirs in Strasbourg.

Feel free to contact her for any inquiries or collaboration proposals related to Musica, publications, or events.

Photo de MarielleNative of Strasbourg, Marielle previously worked for Musica International between 2000 and 2002 as our music documentalist. She is now our web designer and graphic designer who is in charge of recrafting and updating the pages of our website and providing visuals.

She is also a professionally trained singer and make-up artist, and continues to be involved artistically through computer graphics and other artwork, on which she keeps a blog.

Please contact Marielle if you see anything wrong with our visuals or want to suggest any improvements.

Contact her

Our punctilious webmaster ensures that and the database software are error-free and constantly evolving so as to guarantee a pleasant and productive user experience.

Please, if you have any technical problems, contact him!

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