
Archives of Favorite Pieces

December : Magic is the Christmas Day by Carsten GERLITZ
Illustration du Coup de Choeur de décembre 2024.

With warm and modern sounds, the customs and hopes of Christmas are sung on a poetic text full of emotion. A gift for singers and audience alike!

Type of choir: SATB (div.) or SAB

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November : Shine, Little Light by David MASSONG
October : Put, vejini by Andrejs JURJANS / Imant RAMINSH
September : Scedryk / Schtschedrik / Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) by Mykola LEONTOVICH
August : La sera sper il lag by Gion Balzer CASANOVA
July : The Way Children Sleep by Ugis PRAULINS
June : I Thank You God for Most This Amazing Day by Dan FORREST
May : Si j'avais le bateau by Harry Stewart SOMERS
April : Alleluia by Elaine HAGENBERG
March : An den Mond / Moon by Alwin Michael SCHRONEN
February : Flowers by Caroline CHARRIERE
January : Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal by Alice PARKER

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