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Piece programmed in the open singing during the
Europa Cantat XVII Festival in Utrecht

O sing unto the Lord (1999)

Valkestijn, Jan
(1928-) [The Netherlands]

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Type of choir: SAATB (5 mixed voices)
Publisher: Annie Bank Edition (2008) - Amstelveen/The Netherlands
Ref : 11.900.376 ; 2 p.
Genre - Style - Musical FORM: Sacred; Close harmony
Liturgical Use: Acclamation; Festival Service
Biblical book: Psalms
Mood of the piece: jubilant
Tonality: C major
Type of score: Full score
Duration: 1.10 min.
Difficulty for the choir (increases from 1 to 5): 4
Difficulty for the conductor (increases from A to E): C
Text in: English
Keywords: a cappella, sing, joy, alleluia, King of Glory

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