Lament, ye valleys, bewail, ye mountains,
and in the affliction of my heart be ye afflicted!
Lo! I shall die a virgin, and I shall not in my death find consolation
in my children.
Then bemoan me, ye woods and meadows and fountains,
for the death of a maiden make lamentation! See,
I am mourning in the joy of my people,
in the victory of Israel, in the glory of my father I,
in my bitterness childless, must die, and no longer live.
Then tremble, ye rocks, be astonish'd,
ye mountains, valleys and caves,
and with horror and with fearfulness be resounding.
Lament and weep, ye chi ldren of Israel, for a hapless maiden, yea,
weep for Jephte's unhappy daughter with wailing notes of sadness.