O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace

Melody - "Es ist gewisslich", from the Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1535

Bartholomaeus Ringwaldt, 1581; German text

O Holy Spirit, grant us grace
That we our Lord and Savior
In faith and fervent love embrace
And truly serve Him ever,
So that when death is drawing nigh,
We to His open wounds may fly
And find in them salvation.
2. Help us that we Thy saving Word
In faithful hearts may treasure;
Let e'er that Bread of Life afford
New grace in richest measure.
Yea, let us die to every sin,
For heaven create us new within
That fruits of faith may flourish.
3. And when our earthly race is run,
Death's bitter hour impending,
Then may Thy work in us begun
Continue till life's ending,
Until we gladly may commend
Our souls into our Savior's hand
To rest in peace eternal.


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