Music CDs and other items of interest

Information sorted alphabetically by category.
This page was developed from hundreds of people inquiring where to buy GOOD music on the Internet. I will also include links to ethnic merchandise too.
You cannot buy space on this list. If you wish to advertise your wares, simply send me the address of your site and I will check it out. My reputation is on the line for recommending quality music and merchandise.

Looking to buy music? Look no further than the list below. I can personally recommend each and every listing.

Wolfgang Kurz Verlag for German music CDs and cassettes.

Otto Groll, der bei Musikkennern hochgeschätzte Komponist und Chorleiter ist jetzt mit seinen neuesten CDs im Internet. Bestellen Sie jetzt unter In English, Otto Groll, a well-known composer, arranger, and choral director, now has his newest CDs on the Internet. Surf to the address above.

Compact Discs

Irish folksongs at Anthony John Clarke's page. Great songwriter and as it says on the CD jacket: "What a voice!" Must give a listen to. I've listened to all of them and his lyrics are extremely powerful.

Erfurt Männerchor's "Erfordia cantat" CD. Great if you like church songs. 4 part men's choir, a capella. What versatility - five languages! Recorded in St. Michael's Church, and believe me, the acoustic power really comes through!

Sea shanties from the German Ippinghausen Shantychor. Accordion accompaniment for most songs. Great selection of German songs of the sea. I'm sure they (or I) could provide a translation of the songs, if needed.

Jon Edwards' page. He is currently mastering not one but TWO shanty CDs. I've had a listen and they are both quite good. By the time you read this, they will both be done.


If you are looking for sea shanties, you really have to give this a listen. The page is in English, German, and French for your convenience. Most of the songs are in German, but who cares? You'll feel like you are in a harborside bar with the ship at anchor.

Here's music from the Erfurt Männerchor. This CD was made in St. Michael's Church in Erfurt. The selections are mostly church songs. One of the best first tenor sections I've ever heard. Simply send an e-mail to the person listed. You can write in English or German. Request the "Eufonia" CD. You will not be disappointed.


For contemporary Irish folksongs, you must go to Anthony John Clarke's page. He has graciously allowed the posting of his lyrics. He may be coming to Milwaukee's Irishfest in 1999. (August 14-16).

Check this one out: Irish Ballads & Songs of the Seaon CD.

Sea Songs / Shanties

If you seek some rousing sea music, go to Jon Edwards' page. Jon sings, plays many instruments, and has arranged a fantastic cross-section of sea music. You will not be disappointed.

If you are looking for sea shanties, you really have to give this a listen. The page is in English, German, and French for your convenience. Most of the songs are in German, but who cares? You'll feel like you are in a harborside bar with the ship at anchor.

"Steady as She Goes" from Collector Records. They have great harmony. Available at:

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Page last modified on: 2. March 2000