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1. While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift - Melody
2. Time, with an unwearied hand / Time How Short - Melody
3. See! another year is gone! - Melody
4. Time, by moments, steals away - Melody
5. Hark! how time's wide sounding bell - Melody
6. Oft in vain the voice of truth - Melody
New-Year, before sermons
7. Now, gracious Lord, thine arm reveal - Melody
8. Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth / Prayer For a Blessing - Melody
9. Now may fervent prayer arise - Melody
10. When Peter through the tedious night - Melody
11. Sin has undone our wretched race - Melody
12. Gracious Lord, our children see / Prayer for Children - Melody
13. The Shunemite, oppressed with grief - Melody
14. Does it not grief, and wonder move - Melody
15. Preachers may, from Ezekiel's case - Melody
16. When Moses waved his mystic rod - Melody
17. The God who once to Israel spoke - Melody
18. O Thou, at whose almighty word - Melody
19. Elisha, struck with grief and awe - Melody
New-Year, after sermons
20. O David's Son, and David's Lord! - Melody
21. Let us adore the grace that seeks / The Lord's Call to His Children - Melody
22. Jesus, who bought us with his blood - Melody
23. Ensnared, too long, my heart has been - Melody
24. Zion! the city of our God - Melody
25. Beneath the tyrant Satan's yoke / We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen - Melody
26. What contradictions meet - Melody
27. Thy message, by the preacher, seal - Melody
28. When Paul was parted from his friends - Melody
29. Alas! by nature how depraved - Melody
30. See, how rude winter's icy hand - Melody
31. Though cloudy skies, and northern blasts / Waiting for Spring - Melody
32. Bleak winter is subdued at length - Melody
33. Pleasing spring again is here! - Melody
34. Though the morn may be serene - Melody
35. The grass, and flow'rs, which clothe the field - Melody
36. See! the corn again in ear! / Harvest - Melody
37. Sweeter sounds than music knows - Melody
38. My song shall bless the Lord of all / Jehovah-Jesus - Melody
39. Now let us join with hearts and tongues - Melody
40. Safely through another week / Saturday Evening - Melody
The Close of the Year
41. The Lord, our salvation and light - Melody
42. Let hearts and tongues unite - Melody
43. O Lord, our languid souls inspire - Melody
44. Jesus, where'er thy people meet / On Opening a Place For Social Prayer - Melody
45. How welcome to the saints, when pressed - Melody
46. O happy they who know the Lord - Melody
47. Happy are they, to whom the Lord - Melody
48. Once, while we aimed at Zion's songs - Melody
49. Gladness was spread through Israel's host - Melody
50. Chief Shepherd of thy chosen sheep - Melody
51. Savior, visit thy plantation - Melody
52. My harp untuned, and laid aside - Melody
Sacramental Hymns
53. This is the feast of heav'nly wine - Melody
54. When on the cross, my Lord I see - Melody
55. The Saviour! what a noble flame - Melody
56. Let me dwell on Golgotha - Melody
57. In evil long I took delight - Melody
58. When Israel by divine command - Melody
59. Refreshed by the bread and wine - Melody
On Prayer
60. What various hindrances we meet - Melody
61. In themselves, as weak as worms - Melody
On the Scripture
62. The Spirit breathes upon the word - Melody
63. Precious Bible! what a treasure - Melody
III. Providences
64. The gath'ring clouds, with aspect dark - Melody
Fast-Day Hymns
65. O, may the pow'r which melts the rock - Melody
66. While Joshua led the armed bands - Melody
67. See the gloomy gath'ring cloud / The Hiding Place - Melody
68. Although on massy pillars built - Melody
69. Wearied by day with toils and cares - Melody
70. Kindred in Christ, for his dear sake - Melody
71. As the sun's enliv'ning eye - Melody
Funeral Hymns
72. In vain my fancy strives to paint / On the Death of a Believer - Melody
73. His master taken from his head / On the Death of a Minister - Melody
74. Oft as the bell, with solemn toll - Melody
75. My soul, this curious house of clay - Melody
76. Courage, my soul! behold the prize - Melody
77. Day of judgment, day of wonders! - Melody
78. God, with one piercing glance, looks through - Melody
79. John in vision saw the day / The Great Tribunal - Melody
IV. Creation
80. That was a wonder-working word - Melody
81. The book of nature open lies / The Book of Creation - Melody
82. When the sun, with cheerful beams - Melody
83. When a black overspreading cloud - Melody
84. A Glance from heav'n, with sweet effect - Melody
85. The moon in silver glory shone - Melody
86. The moon has but a borrowed light - Melody
87. If for a time the air be calm - Melody
88. Though small the drops of falling rain - Melody
89. The ice and snow we lately saw - Melody
90. As needles point towards the pole / The Lodestone - Melody
91. On the same flow'r we often see - Melody
92. The subtle spider often weaves - Melody
93. A Lion, though by nature wild - Melody
94. The Saviour calls his people sheep - Melody
95. A Garden contemplation suits / The Garden - Melody
96. A Shelter from the rain or wind - Melody
97. The water stood like walls of brass / The Creatures in the Lord's Hands - Melody
98. When slumber seals our weary eyes - Melody
99. See, the world for youth prepares - Melody
100. Blinded in youth by Satan's arts - Melody