Donald MacGillavry | ![]() |
around 1745
Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry, Donald's come doon th' hill, wild and angry! Donald will clear the gouk's nest cleverly; Here's to the King and Donald MacGillavry! |: Come like a weighbauk, Donald MacGillavry! :| Balance them fair, and balance them cleverly! Off wi' the counterfeit, Donald MacGillavry!
2. Donald's run o'er the hill but wi' his tether, man, | 3. Donald has foughten wi' rief and wi' rougery; Donald has dinner'd wi' banes and beggary, Better it were for Whigs and Whiggery: Meetin' the Devil, than Donald MacGillavry! |: Come like a tailor, Donald MacGillavry! :| Push about, in and out, thimble them cleverly! Here's tae King James and Donald MacGillavry!
4. Donald's the callan that brooks nae tangleness; |
5. Donald was mumpit wi' mirds and mockery, Donald was blinded wi' blads o'property; Arles ran high, but makin's were naethin', man! Lord, how Donald is flyin' and frettin', man! |: Come like the devil, Donald MacGillavry! :| Skelp them and scaud them that proved sae unbritherly! Up wi' King James and Donald MacGillavry! |