Ye Friendly Stars That Rule the Night

Melody - "Gamby Ora"

Robert Tannahill

Ye friendly stars that rule the night,
And hail my glad returning,
Ye never shone so sweetly bright,
Since gay St. Patrick's morning.
My life hung heavy on my mind,
Despair sat brooding o'er me;
Now all my cares are far behind,
And joy is full before me.
Gamby ora! Gamby ora! *
How my heart approves me!
Gamby ora! Gamby ora!
Cathleen owns she loves me!
2. Were all the flow'ry pastures mine,
That deck fair Limerick county,
That wealth, dear Cathleen, should be thine.
And all should share our bounty.
But Fortune's gifts I value not,
Nor Grandeur's highest station,
I would not change my happy lot
For all the Irish nation.

* Gamby ora, literally, Gabhaidh mi oran, means "I will sing." - Editor.

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