The Flower of Levern Side |
Robert Tannahill
Ye sunny braes that skirt the Clyde Wi' simmer flowers sae braw, There's ae sweet flower on Levern side, That's fairer than them a': Yet aye it droops its head in wae, Regardless o' the sunny ray, And Wastes its sweets frae day to day, Beside the lonely shaw; Wi' leaves a' steep'd in sorrow's dew, Fause, cruel man, it seems to rue, Wha aft the sweetest flower will pu', Then rend its heart in twa. | 2. Thou bonny flow'r on Levern side, O gin thou'lt be but mine; I'll tend thee wi' a lover's pride, Wi' love that ne'er shall tine; I'll take thee to my shelt'ring bower, And shield thee frae the beating shower, Unharm'd by ought thou'lt bloom secure Frae a' the blasts that blaw: Thy charms surpass the crimson dye That streaks the glowing western sky, But here, unshaded, soon thou'lt die, And lone will be thy fa'. |