Suite de Lorca (english)

Rider's song
Cordóba. Alone and far away.
Black pony, great moon
and olives in my saddlebag.
Although I know the way,
I'll never get to Cordóba.
Through the wind, across the plain,
Black pony, red moon
Death is starring down at me
from the towers of Cordóba.
On the road, how long it is!
Oh how brave my pony is!
Oh death, how it waits for me
before I get to Cordóba!
Cordóba. Alone and far away..

The Scream
The ellipse of a scream
goes form hill to hill.
From the olive trees
a black rainbow will rise
above the blue night like a viola bow.
The scream has thrilled .
long strings of the wind
The cave people
hold out their lamps.

The moon peeps out
When the moon rises
bells fade away.
And paths appear impassable
when the moon rises.
The sea covers the earth
and the heart feels an island in the infinity.
No one eats oranges under the full moon.
You have to eat fruit.
that is green and ice-cold
When the moon rises
with a hundred faces all alike,
silver coins sob in the pocket.

Dance from Malaga
Death goes in and out of the tavern.
Black horses and sinister people
moce along the deep paths of the guitar.
And there is a smell of salt
and of woman's blood
in the feverish spikenards of the seashore.