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Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Last updated: 15. January 2001
A - B | C - F | G - I | J - M | N - R | S - T | U - Z |
79th Farewell to Gibraltar - Melody
A beggar man came o'er yon lea / The Beggar Man - Melody
A Bottle And Friend - Melody
A Boy's Song - Melody
A fair young May went up the street / Keach i' The Creel - Melody
A far croonin' is pullin' me away / The Road to the Isles - Melody
A few more years shall roll - Melody
A Fiddler In The North - Melody
A Lass Wi' A Tocher - Melody
A Long Winter Night - Melody
A Parcel of Rogues In A Nation - Melody
A Rose-bud by my early walk - Melody
A Tippling Ballad - Melody
A Waukrife Minnie - Melody
A Wee Deoch-an'-Doris - Melody
A' the lads o Thornie-bank / Lady Onlie - Melody
Across the sky the shades of night - Melody
Accuse me not, inconstant fair / The Farewell - Melody
Address to a Haggis - Melody
Address To The Woodlark - Melody
Adieu! a heart-warm, fond adieu / Farewell - Melody
Adieu! ye cheerful native plains - Melody
Adown winding Nith I did wander / Phillis The Queen O' The Fair - Melody
Ae Fond Kiss, and then we sever! - Melody
A-Gathering Nuts - Melody
Again rejoicing Nature sees - Melody
Ah! Sheelah, thou'rt my darling - Melody
Ah, who will play the Silver Whistle? / Silver Whistle - Melody
Aikendrum - Melody
Air Falalalo - Melody
Alison Gross - Melody
All hail! ye dear romantic scenes - Melody
All people that on earth do dwell - Melody
All that I was, my sin, my guilt - Melody
Allen's Bonnet - Melody
Ally, bally, ally bally bee / Coulter's Candy - Melody
Altho' my back be at the wa' / Here's His Health In Water - Melody
Amang oor young lassies / Muirland Meg - Melody
Amang the Trees, where humming bees - Melody
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound - Melody
Amorous Jockey - Melody
An Anacreontic - Melody
An earthly norris sits and sings / The Great Silkie - Melody
An' O for ane an' twenty, Tam! / O For Ane An' Twenty, Tam - Melody
An' O my Eppie, my jewel, my Eppie / My Eppie Adair - Melody
Ance mair I hail thee, thou gloomy December! / Thou Gloomy December - Melody
And gie's a song, the lady cry'd / Tullochgorum - Melody
And I'll kiss thee yet, yet / Bonie Peggy Alison - Melody
And were ye at Duntocher burn - Melody
Andrew An' His Cutty Gun - Melody
Anna, thy charms my bosom fire - Melody
Annan water's wading deep - Melody
Annie Laurie - Melody
Ar from the giddy court of mirth / Ye Dear Romantic Shades - Melody
Are Ye Sleepin' Maggie? - Melody
Arlitrach - Melody
As down the burn they took their way / Down The Burn, Davie - Melody
As I cam in by Auchendoun / The Haughs o' Cromdale - Melody
As I cam in by Dunidier / The Battle of Harlaw - Melody
As I cam' in by Fiddichside / Burning of Auchindoun - Melody
As I came in by Fisherrow - Melody
As I came o'er the Cairney Mount / The Hieland Laddie - Melody
As I gaed o'er the Highland hills / Peggy Bawn - Melody
As I gaed up by yon gate-end / Pretty Peg - Melody
As I gang doon by Turra Market / The Barnyards O'Delgaty - Melody
As I get doon by Strichen toon / Mormond Braes - Melody
As I roved out on a bright May morning - Melody
As I stood by yon roofless tower / The Minstrel At Lincluden - Melody
As I was goin' to Ballynure / Ballynure Ballad - Melody
As I was walking all alane / The Twa Corbies - Melody
As I went by the Luckenbooths - Melody
As I went o'er yon meadow / The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre - Melody
As I went out ae May morning - Melody
As it befell upon one time / Hugh the Graeme - Melody
As late by a sodger I chanced to pass / I'll Make Ye Be Fain to Follow Me - Melody
As mists of the evening creep over the hill / The Dark Isle - Melody
Asleep, in Jesus! Blessed sleep - Melody
At Fyvie's gates there grows a flower / The Trumpeter of Fyvie - Melody
At It Again - Melody
At Rhynie I sheared my first hairst / Rhynie - Melody
Atholl Highlanders' Farewell to Loch Katrine - Melody
Auld Hoose, The - Melody
Auld Lang Syne - Melody
Auld Rob Morris - Melody
Auld Watty of Kebbuckston brae / The Kebbuckston Wedding - Melody
Avondale - Melody
Awa' Whigs Awa' - Melody
Awa' wi' your witchcraft o' Beauty's alarms / A Lass Wi' A Tocher - Melody
Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses / Lochnagar - Melody
Aye Waukin' O! - Melody
Ba, wee birdie, birdie - Melodie
Baccahanalians, The - Melody
Bachelor's Lament - Melody
Balaloo, Lammy - Melody
Balena, The - Melody
Ballad of Glencoe - Melody
Ballad of Hobie Noble, The - Melody
Ballad On The American War - Melody
Ballads on Mr. Heron's Election, Ballad First - Melody
Ballynure Ballad - Melody
Balmoral Castle - Melody
Baloo Baleerie - Melody
Balow, my boy, ly still and sleep / Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament - Melody
Balulalow - Melody
Banks o' bonie Doon - Melody
Banks o' Loch Lomond - Melody
Banks Of Nith, The - Melody
Banks of Sweet Loch Ray, The - Melody
Banks of the Dee, The - Melody
Banks of the Devon, The - Melody
Bannocks o' bear meal - Melody
Barbara Ellen - Melody
Bard of Glen-Ullin, The - Melody
Bard, The - Melody
Barns O' Beneuches, The - Melody
Barnyards O'Delgaty, The - Melody
Barren Rocks of Aden - Melody
Barrochan Jean - Melody
Battle O Falkirk - Melody
Battle of Harlaw, The - Melody
Battle Of Killie-Crankie, The - Melody
Battle Of Otterbourne - Melody
Battle of Sherra-moor, The - Melody
Beggar Man, The - Melody
Behind yon hills where Lugar flows / My Nanie, O - Melody
Behold, my love, how green the groves - Melody
Behold the hour, the boat, arrive! - Melody
Bessy And Her Spinnin' Wheel - Melody
Beware O'Bonie Ann - Melody
Billy Boys, The - Melody
Birks of Aberfeldie, The - Melody
Black Bear - Melody
Black Mary - Melody
Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power - Melody
Blink over the burn sweet Betty - Melody
Blithe was the time when he fee'd wi' my father, O / The Dear Highland Laddie, O - Melody
Blooming Heather, The - Melody
Blue Bells of Scotland, The - Melody
Blue Bells of Scotland - Melody
Blue Bonnets Over the Border - Melody
Blythe, blythe, blythe was she / Andrew An' His Cutty Gun - Melody
Blythe, blythe and merry was she / Blythe Was She - Melody
Blythe hae I been on yon hill - Melody
Boatman, The / Fear A' Bhàta - Melody
Boddich na' mbrigs - Melody
Bonaparte - Melody
Bonie Doon - Melody
Bonie Jean - Melody
Bonie Lad That's Far Awa, The - Melody
Bonie lassie, will ye go / The Birks of Aberfeldie - Melody
Bonie Moor-Hen, The - Melody
Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay - Melody
Bonie Peggy Alison - Melody
Bonie wee thing, cannie wee thing - Melody
Bonnet o' Blue - Melody
Bonnie Charlie's now awa' / Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Melody
Bonnie Doon - Melody
Bonnie Dundee - Melody
Bonnie Earl Of Moray, The - Melody
Bonnie George Campbell - Melody
Bonnie Green Osireo - Melody
Bonnie House O' Airly, The - Melody
Bonnie Lass O'Ballochmyle - Melody
Bonnie Lass of Albanie, The - Melody
Bonnie Lass of Fyfie - Melody
Bonnie Lesley - Melody
Bonnie Light Horseman - Melody
Bonnie Prince Charlie - Melody
Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The - Melody
Bonnie Strathyre - Melody
Bonnie Tyneside - Melody
Bonniest Lass, The - Melody
Bonny Gascon Ha' - Melody
Bonny Hind, The - Melody
Bonny Winsome Mary - Melody
Both Sides of the Tweed - Melody
Braes o' Balquhither, The - Melody
Braes o' Gleniffer, The - Melody
Braes o 'Killiecrankie, The - Melody
Braw braw, lads - Melody
Braw Wooer, The - Melody
Broom of the Cowdenknowes - Melody
Broomfield Hill, The - Melody
Brose and Butter - Melody
Brown Robin - Melody
Buckled Fingers - Melody
Bundle and Go - Melody
Burning of Auchindoun - Melody
But lately seen in gladsome green / The Winter Of Life - Melody
By Allan stream I chanc'd to rove - Melody
By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes / Banks o' Loch Lomond - Melody
Byker Hill - Melody