Come, let's purge our brains
From ale and grains,
That do smell of anarchy;
Let's chuse a King
From whose blood may spring
Such a sparkling progeny;
It will be fit, strew mine in it,
Whose flames are bright and clear;
We'll not bind our hands with drayman's bands,
When as we may be freer;
Why should we droop, or basely stoop
To popular ale or beer?
2. Who shall be King? how comes the thing
For which we all are met?
Claret is a prince that hath long since
In the royal order set:
His face is spread with a warlike seed,
And so he loves to see men;
When he bears the sway, his subjects they
Shall be as good as freemen;
But here's the plot, almost forgot,
'Tis too much burnt with women.
3. By the river of Rhine is a valiant wine
That can all other replenish;
Let's then consent to the government
And the royal rule of Rhenish:
The German wine will warm the chine,
And frisk in every vein;
'Twill make the bride forget to chide,
And call him to't again:
But that's not all, he is too small
To be our sovereign.
4. Let us never think of a noble drink,
But with notes advance on high,
Let's proclaim good Canary's name, -
Heaven bless his Majesty!
He is a King in everything,
Whose nature doth renounce all,
He'll make us skip and nimbly trip
From ceiling to the groundsil;
Especially when poets be
Lords of the Privy Council.
5. But a vintner will his taster be,
Here's nothing that can him let;
A drawer that hath a good palat
Shall be squire of the gimblet.
The bar-boys shall be pages all,
A tavern well-prepared,
And nothing shall be spared;
In jovial sort shall be the court,
Wine-porters that are soldiers tall
Be yeomen of the guard.
6. But if a cooper we with a red nose see
In any part of the town;
The cooper shall, with his aids-royal,
Bear the sceptre of the crown;
Young wits that wash away their cash
In wine and recreation,
Who hates ale and beer, shall be welcome here
To give their approbation;
So shall all you that will allow
Canary's recreation.