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Ballads, Cavalier Ballads, Ditties, Folksongs, Hymns and Jigs of England
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title. All titles are in italics.
Page last modified on: 24. January 2001
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23rd of February, The - Melody
3 Merry Coblers, The - Melody
A-Beggin' I Will Go - Melody
A Believer, free from care / The Trembling Jailer - Melody
A bold young farmer courted me / Died For Love - Melody
A Brand plucked out of the Fire - Melody
A Brewer may be a Burgess grave / The Protecting Brewer - Melody
A Caveat for Cutpurses - Melody
A Christmas Song When The Rump Was First Dissolved - Melody
A country life is sweet! / The Useful Plow - Melody
A Cup of Old Stingo - Melody
A debtor to mercy alone - Melody
A Drink For Each Song - Melody
A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother - Melody
A Garden contemplation suits / The Garden - Melody
A good sword and a trusty hand / Trelawney - Melody
A Lancaster leaving the Ruhr / Bless 'Em All - Melody
A Light Heart's a Jewell - Melody
A little child the Saviour came - Melody
A miner’s life is like a sailor’s / The Miner’s Lifeguard - Melody
A New Song of an Orange - Melody
A noble young squire that lived in the West / The Merry Broomfield - Melody
A Nobleman lived in a village of late / The Nobleman's Generous Kindness - Melody
A North Country maid up to London had strayed / The Oak and the Ash - Melody
A New Dial - Melody
A shepherd of the downs being weary of his port / Shepherd Of The Downs - Melody
A Sick Soul - Melody
A Third Touch of the Times - Melody
A wealthy young squire of Tamworth, we hear / The Golden Glove / The Squire of Tamworth - Melody
A Word from Jesus calms the sea / Peter Walking Upon the Water - Melody
A Worldling spent each day / The Rich Man and Lazarus - Melody
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide - Melody
Above the clear blue sky - Melody
Abroad for pleasure as I was a-walking / Holmfirth Anthem - Melody
According to thy gracious word - Melody
Adam - Melody
Adam and Eve could never believe - Melody
Admiral Benbow - Melody
Adsons Saraband - Melody
Advent tells us Christ is near - Melody
Afflictions do not come alone / Love-Tokens - Melody
Afflictions, though they seem severe / The Prodigal Son - Melody
Again the morn of gladness - Melody
Al-a-Mode de France - Melody
Alas, and did my Saviour bleed / At the Cross - Melody
Alas! Elisha's servant cried / More With Us Than With Them - Melody
Alas, my love, you do me wrong / Greensleeves - Melody
All la Mode de France - Melody
All Glory, Laud and Honour - Melody
All hail to the days that merit more praise / In Praise of Christmas - Melody
All hayle to the days / Drive the Cold Winter Away - Melody
All in a Garden Green - Melody
All praise to Thee, my God, this night - Melody
All things are quite silent, each mortal at rest - Melody
All things we have ready and nothing we want / Lustily, Lustily - Melody
All ye that fear God's holy Name - Melody
All you that be true to the King and the State / Battle of Worcester - Melody
All you that do desire to know / The Last News From France - Melody
All you that merry lives doe lead / A Light Heart's a Jewell - Melody
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise - Melody
Almighty Father, heaven and earth - Melody
Almighty God, Thy Word is cast - Melody
Almighty Lord, before Thy throne - Melody
Almighty Ruler of the skies - Melody
Am I a Soldier of the Cross? - Melody
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound - Melody
Amidst thy wrath remember love - Melody
Among th' assemblies of the great - Melody
Among the princes, earthly gods - Melody
Amphitrite, The - Melody
An Old Song On Oliver's Court - Melody
An outlandish knight came from the North lands / Outlandish Knight - Melody
Ancient of Days, who sittest, throned in glory - Melody
And can it be that I should gain - Melody
And did those feet in ancient time / Jerusalem - Melody
And it's three score and ten / Three Score and Ten - Melody
And now, to be brief, let's pass over the rest / King James I and the Tinkler - Melody
And old man is a be full of Bones - Melody
And will the God of grace - Melody
And will the Judge descend - Melody
Angels from the Realms of Glory - Melody
Aniseed Robin - Melody
Ann O'Hethersgill - Melody
Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune - Melody
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat / The Effort - Melody
Are all the foes of Zion fools - Melody
Are sinners now so senseless grown - Melody
Are you going to Scarborough Fair? / Scarborough Fair - Melody
Argeers - Melody
Arise, my gracious God - Melody
Arise, O God, and shine - Melody
Arise ye workers from your slumbers - Melody
Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord - Melody
Around the throne of God a band - Melody
Art thou weary, art thou troubled - Melody
Arthur and Molly - Melody
As birds their infant brood protect / Jehovah-Shammah - Melody
As I came down from Tottenham / The Maid of Tottenham - Melody
As I came thro' Sandgate / Weel May the Keel Row - Melody
As I look'd over the castle wall / Lord Thomas of Winesberry - Melody
As I roved out on a fine summer's morning / Rocking the Cradle - Melody
As I walked forth one summer's morn / The New-Mown Hay - Melody
As I walked out one morning in May / Death and the Lady - Melody
As I was a-going to Derrydown Fair / Young Rambleaway - Melody
As I was a-walking down by the Lock Hospital / The Trooper Cut Down - Melody
As I was a walking one morning in May / The Green Bushes - Melody
As I was a walking one morning last autumn / Dido, Bendigo - Melody
As it fell on a holy day / John Dory - Melody
As needles point towards the pole / The Lodestone - Melody
As noble Sir Arthur one morning did ride / Arthur and Molly - Melody
As once for Jonah, so the Lord / The Gourd - Melody
As pants the hart for cooling streams - Melody
As parched in the barren sands / Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared - Melody
As pretty Polly Oliver lay musing in bed / Polly Oliver - Melody
As some tall rock amidst the waves / The Death of Stephen - Melody
As the serpent raised by Moses / Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved - Melody
As Tom was a-walking one fine summer's morn - Melody
As when the Hebrew prophet raised - Melody
As with gladness men of old - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
At even, when the sun did set - Melody
At the Cross - Melody
Auxville Love, The - Melody
Avington Pond - Melody
Away in a manger no crib for a bed - Melody
Awake, my soul, and with the sun - Melody
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays - Melody
Aye me - Melody