Peter Sinning and Repenting | ![]() |
John Newton, 1779, from Olney Hymns, vol. 1, hymn 91
When Peter boasted, soon he fell, Yet was by grace restored; His case should be regarded well By all who fear the Lord.
2. A voice it has, and helping hand,
3. He said, Whatever others do,
4. He who had been so bold before, | 5. While he blasphemed he heard the cock, And Jesus looked in love; At once, as if by lightning struck, His tongue forbore to move.
6. Delivered thus from Satan's snare
7. But sure the faithful cock had crowed
8. As I, like Peter, vows have made, |
9. Lord Jesus, hear a sinner's cry, My broken peace renew; And grant one pitying look, that I May weep with Peter too. |