I Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds

Melody - "Vater Unser", from the Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539; Seq. by Richard Jordan

Attributed to Paul Eber, 1569, tr. by Catherine Winkworth, 1869; German text

I fall asleep in Jesus' wounds,
There pardon for my sins abounds;
Yea, Jesus' blood and righteousness
My jewels are, my glorious dress.
In these before my God I'll stand
When I shall reach the heavenly land.
2. With peace and joy I now depart;
God's child I am with all my heart.
I thank thee, Death, thou leadest me
To that true life where I would be.
So cleansed by Christ, I fear not death.
Lord Jesus, strengthen Thou my faith.


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