Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers |
Laurentius Laurenti, 1700; translated by Sarah B. Findlater, 1854; German text
Rejoice, rejoice, believers, And let your lights appear! The evening is advancing, And darker night is near. The Bridegroom is arising, And soon He draweth nigh; Up, pray and watch and wrestle! At midnight comes the cry.
2. The watchers on the mountain
?3. See that your lamps are burning; | ?4. O wise and holy virgins, Now raise your voices higher, Until in songs of triumph Ye meet the angel choir. The marriage-feast is waiting, The gates wide open stand; Up, up, ye heirs of glory! The Bridegroom is at hand.
7. Ye saints, who here in patience
10. Our Hope and Expectation, |