Spread, Oh, Spread, Thou Mighty Word | ![]() |
Jonathan F. Bahnmeier, 1827; German text
Spread, oh, spread, thou mighty Word, Spread the kingdom of the Lord, Wheresoe'er His breath has giv'n Life to beings meant for heav'n.
2. Tell them how the Father's will
3. Tell of our Redeemer's love, | 4. Tell them of the Spirit giv'n Now to guide us up to heav'n, Strong and holy, just and true, Working both to will and do.
5. Word of Life, most purre and strong,
6. Up! The ripening fields ye see. |
7. Lord of Harvest, let there be Joy and strength to work for Thee Till the nations far and near See Thy light and learn Thy fear. |