We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest Friend,
That Thou didst into heaven ascend.
O blessed Savior, bid us live
And strength to soul and body give.
2. Now His disciples all rejoice
And sing His praise with cheerful voice:
Come, let us grateful offerings bring;
Our Brother is our God and King.
3. Ascended to His throne on high,
Hid from our sight, yet always nigh;
He rules and reigns at God's right hand
And has all power at His command.
4. Above the heavens in glory raised,
By angel hosts forever praised,
All creatures His dominion own,
He holds an everlasting throne.
5. He rules and reigns at God's right hand
And has all power at His command;
All things are subject to His rod
The Son of Man and Son of God.
6. The world and sin and Satan fell
He overthrew, with death and hell;
Dispute who will His mighty reign,
He still the Victor must remain.
7. The man who trusts in Him is blest
And finds in Him eternal rest;
This world's allurements we despise
And fix on Christ alone our eyes.
8. We therefore heartily rejoice
And sing His praise with cheerful voice;
He captive led captivity,
From bitter death He set us free.
9. With deepest joy our voice we raise
And sing our grateful song of praise;
Our Brother, our own flesh and bone,
Is God and King, our Joy alone.
10. Through Him we heirs of heaven are made;
O Brother, Christ, extend Thine aid
That we may firmly trust in Thee
And through Thee live eternally.
11. Amen, Amen, O Lord, we cry;
Do Thou, who art exalted high,
In Thy pure faith preserve our hearts
And shield us from all Satan's darts.
12. Come, blessed Lord, to Judgment come
And take us to our glorious home
That all our woes on earth may cease
And we may dwell in heavenly peace.
13. A glad Amen shall close our song;
Our souls for rest in glory long,
Where we with angel hosts again
Shall sing in nobler strains Amen.