When Sinners See Their Lost Condition |
Magnus B. Landstad, 1863, tr. by Oluf H. Smeby, 1909
When sinners see their lost condition And feel the pressing load of sin And Jesus cometh on His mission To heal the sin-sick heart within, All grief must flee before His grace, And joy divine will take its place.
2. When Jesus enters meek and lowly
3. When Jesus enters land and nation
4. When Jesus comes, --O blessed story! | 5. Then stilled are cries and lamentation, Then loosed is Satan's every band, In death is hope and consolation, The soul is safe in Jesus' hand. When we shall walk through death's dark vale, His rod and staff shall never fail.
6. Oh, may He soon to every nation
7. Behold, He at the door is knocking!
8. Behold, He at the door is calling; |
9. Come Thou who spreadest joy and gladness, Forever bide with me and mine And bring to those who sit in sadness And gloom of death Thy light divine. A voice comes from my soul within: Thou Blessed of the Lord, come in! |