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Lyrik von Carolina Oliphant (Lady Nairne)
Die Lieder sind nach Liedanfang mit Liedtitel geordnet.
Lyrics by Carolina Oliphant (Lady Nairne)
The songs are sorted by the first line of lyric and Title.
Auld Hoose, The - Melody
Bonnie Charlie's now awa' / Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Melody
Bonny Gascon Ha' - Melody
Caller Herrin' - Melody
Charlie Is My Darling - Melody
County Meeting, The - Melody
Fareweel, Edinburgh, where happy we hae been - Melody
Hundred Pipers, The - Melody
I'm wearin' awa', John / Land o' the Leal - Melody
Laird o' Cockpen, The - Melody
Land o' the Leal - Melody
Lane, on the winding Earn, there stands / Bonny Gascon Ha' - Melody
O! rowan tree, o! rowan tree / The Rowan Tree - Melody
O! the auld hoose, the auld hoose / The Auld Hoose - Melody
One Hundred Pipers - Melody
Pleughman, The - Melody
Rowan Tree, The - Melody
The laird o' Cockpen, he's proud an' he's great - Melody
The mitherless lammie ne'er missed its ain mammie - Melody
There's high and low, there's rich and poor / The Pleughman - Melody
Twas on a monday morning / Charlie Is My Darling - Melody
Wha'll buy my caller herrin'? / Caller Herrin' - Melody
Wi' a hundred pipers, a' a', an' a' / One Hundred Pipers - Melody
Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Melody
Ye're welcome, leddies, ane and a' / The County Meeting - Melody