Fear A' Bhàta or The Boatman

Melody - Seq. by Barry Taylor

English translation by Lachlan MacBean

'S tric mi sealltuinn o'n chnoc a's àirde,
Dh'fheuch am faic mi fear a'bhàta;
An tig thu 'n diugh, no 'n tig thu màireach
'S mar tig thu idir, gur truagh a tà mi.
|: Fear a' bhàta, na hóro éile :|
Fhir a' bhàta, na hóro éile
Mo shoraidh slàn dhuit's gach àit' an téid thu!

2. Tha mo chrìdhe-sa briste, brùite;
S'tric na deòir a'ruidh o m' shùilean;
An tig thu'n nochd, na 'm bi mo dhùil riut,
Na 'n dùin mi 'n dorus, le osna thùrsaich?

3. 'S tric mi foighneachd de luchd 'nam bàta,
Am faic iad thu, na 'm bheil thu sàbhailt;
Ach 's ann a tha gach aon diubh 'g ràitinn,
Gur gòrach mise ma thug mi gràdh dhuit.

4. Gheall mo leannan domh gun do 'n t-sìoda,
Gheall e sud agus breacan rìomhach;
Fainn' òir anns am faicinn 'ìomhaigh;
Ach 's eagal leam gun dean e dì-chuimhn'.

5. Cha'n eil baile beag 's am bì thu,
Nach tàmh thu greis ann, a chur do sgios dhiot;
Bheir thu làmh air do leabhar rìomhach,
A ghabhail dhuanag 's a bhuaireadh nionag.

6. Ged a thu'irt iad gun robh thu aotrom,
Cha do lughdaich sud mo ghaol ort;
Bidh tu m' aisling anns an oidhche,
'Us anns a' mhadainn bidh mi 'gad fhoighneachd.

7. Thug mi gaol dhut, 's cha'n fhaod mi àicheadh;
Cha ghaol bliadhna, 's cha ghaol ràidhe;
Ach gaol a thòisich 'n uair bha mi m'phàisdein,
'S nach searg a chaoidh, gus an claoidh am bàs mi.

8. Tha mo chàirdean gu tric ag ìnnseadh,
Gum feum mi d'aogas a leig' air dì-chuimhn';
Ach tha 'n comhairle dhomh cho diamhain;
'S bhi tilleadh mara 's i tabhairt lionaidh.

9. Tha mo chriosan air dol an airde,
Cha'n ann bho fhidhleir, na bho chlàrsair;
Ach bho stiùireadair a bhàta--
'S mur tig thu dhachaigh, gur truagh mar tha mi.

10. Bi'dh mi tuille tùrsach, déurach,
Mar eala bhàn 's i an déighs a réubadh;
Guileag bàis aic' air lochan féurach,
'Us cach gu léir an déis a tréigeadh.

I climb the mountain and scan the ocean
For thee, my boatman, with fond devotion
When shall I see thee? today? tomorrow?
Oh! do not leave me in lonely sorrow.
|: O, my boatman, na horo aila, :|
O, my boatman, na horo aila,
May joy await thee where'er thou sailest.

2. Broken-hearted, I droop and languish,
And frequent tears show mg bosom's anguish;
Shall I expect thee tonight to cheer me?
Or close the door, sighing, sad and weary.

3. From passing boatmen I'd fain discover
If they have heard of or seen my lover;
They never tell me - I'm only chided,
And told my heart has been sore misguided.

4. My lover promised to bring his lady
A silken gown and a tartan plaidie,
A ring of gold which would show his semblance
But, ah! I fear me for his remembrance.

5. That thou'rt a rover my friends have told me,
But not the less to my heart I hold thee;
And every night in my dream I see thee,
And still at dawn will the visions flee me.

6. I may not hide it - my heart's devotion
Is not a season's brief emotion;
Thy love in childhood began to seize me
And ne'er shall fade until death release me.

7. My friends oft tell me that I must sever
All thoughts of thee from my heart forever;
Their words are idle - my passions, swelling,
Untamed as ocean, can brook no quelling.

8. My heart is weary with ceaseless wailing,
Like wounded swan when her strength is failing
Her notes of anguish the lake awaken,
By all her comrades at last forsaken.


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