Our Heavenly Father, Hear

Melody - "St. Bride", Samuel Howard, 1762; Seq. by Richard Jordan

James Montgomery, 1835

Our heav'nly Father, hear
The prayer we offer now.
Thy name be hallowed far and near;
To Thee all nations bow.

2. Thy kingdom come; Thy will
On earth be done in love
As saints and seraphim fulfil
Thy holy will above.

3. Our daily bread supply
While by Thy word we live.
The guilt of our iniquity
Forgive as we forgive.

4. From dark temptation's power,
From Satan's wiles, defend.
Deliver in the evil hour
And guide us to the end.

5. Thine shall forever be
Glory and power divine;
The scepter, throne, and majesty
Of heaven and earth are Thine.


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