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1. On man, in his own image made / Adam - Melody
2. When Adam fell he quickly lost / Cain and Abel - Melody
3. O! for a closer walk with God / Walking with God - Melody
4. By faith in Christ I walk with God / Walking with God - Melody
5. How hurtful was the choice of Lot / Lot in Sodom - Melody
6. The saints should never be dismayed / Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide - Melody
7. Though troubles assail / The Lord Will Provide - Melody
8. Poor Esau repented too late / Esau - Melody
9. If the Lord our leader be / Jacob's Ladder - Melody
10. Nay, I cannot let Thee go / My Name is Jacob - Melody
11. My soul once had its plenteous years / Plenty in a Time of Dearth - Melody
12. When Joseph his brethren beheld / Joseph Made Known to His Brethren - Melody
13. Bitter, indeed, the waters are / The Bitter Waters - Melody
14. Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are / Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee - Melody
15. Manna to Israel well supplied / Manna - Melody
16. The manna favored Israel's meat / Manna Hoarded - Melody
17. By whom was David taught / Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner - Melody
18. When Israel heard the fiery law / The Golden Calf - Melody
19. See Aaron, God's anointed priest / The True Aaron - Melody
20. How blest the righteous are / Balaam's Wish - Melody
21. When Joshua, by God's command / Gibeon - Melody
22. Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed / Jehovah-Shalem, The Lord Send Peace - Melody
23. The signs which God to Gideon gave / Gideon's Fleece - Melody
24. The lion that on Sampson roared / Sampson's Lion - Melody
1 Samuel
25. When Hannah pressed with grief - Melody
26. When first to make my heart his own / Dagon Before the Ark - Melody
27. The kine unguided went / The Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All - Melody
28. When first my soul enlisted / Saul's Armor - Melody
2 Samuel
29. How David, when by sin deceived / David's Fall - Melody
30. Poor, weak and worthless though I am / Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend - Melody
1 Kings
31. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
32. If Solomon for wisdom prayed / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
33. Behold the throne of grace! / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
34. From Sheba a distant report / Queen of Sheba - Melody
35. Elijah's example declares / Elijah Fed By Ravens - Melody
36. By the poor widow's oil and meal / The Meal and Cruse of Oil - Melody
2 Kings
37. Though Jericho pleasantly stood / Jericho; or, The Waters Healed - Melody
38. Before Elisha's gate / Naaman - Melody
39. The prophets sons, in time of old / The Borrowed Axe - Melody
40. Alas! Elisha's servant cried / More With Us Than With Them - Melody
1 Chronicles
41. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound / Faith's Review and Expectation - Melody
42. Joy is a fruit that will not grow / The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength - Melody
43. Sweet was the time when first I felt / Oh That I Were As In Months Past! - Melody
44. Saviour shine and cheer my soul / The Change - Melody
45. In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke / Pleading For Mercy - Melody
46. How tedious and tasteless the hours / None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee - Melody
47. Incarnate God! the soul that knows / The Believer's Safety - Melody
48. That man no guard or weapons needs / The Believer's Safety - Melody
49. When Israel was from Egypt freed / He Led Them By a Right Way - Melody
50. For mercies, countless as the sands / What Shall I Render - Melody
51. What a mournful life is mine / Dwelling in Mesech - Melody
52. Ere God had built the mountains / Wisdom - Melody
53. One there is, above all others / A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother - Melody
54. The evils that beset our path / Vanity of Life - Melody
55. God gives his mercies to be spent / Vanity of the World - Melody
56. Honey though the bee prepares / Vanity of the Creature Sanctified - Melody
Song of Solomon
57. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds - Melody
58. I Will praise thee every day / O Lord, I Will Praise Thee! - Melody
59. He who on earth as man was known / The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church - Melody
60. Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God - Melody
61. As the serpent raised by Moses / Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved - Melody
62. How lost was my condition / The Good Physician - Melody
63. Pensive, doubting, fearful heart / To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted - Melody
64. The Lord will happiness divine / The Contrite Heart - Melody
65. Hear what God the Lord hath spoken / The Future Peace and Glory of the Church - Melody
66. As parched in the barren sands / Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared - Melody
67. My God! how perfect are thy ways! / Jehovah Our Righteousness - Melody
68. My God! till I received thy stroke / Ephraim Repenting - Melody
69. From pole to pole let others roam / The Lord Is My Portion - Melody
70. Once perishing in blood I lay / Humbled and Silenced By Mercy - Melody
71. The Lord proclaims his grace abroad! / The Covenant - Melody
72. As birds their infant brood protect / Jehovah-Shammah - Melody
73. Supported by the word / The Power and Triumph of Faith - Melody
74. Poor sinners! little do they think / Belshazzar - Melody
75. As once for Jonah, so the Lord / The Gourd - Melody
76. Son of God! thy people's shield / Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence - Melody
77. With Satan, my accuser, near / A Brand plucked out of the Fire - Melody
78. Jesus Christ, the Lord's anointed / On One Stone Shall be Seven Eyes - Melody
79. There is a fountain filled with blood / Praise For the Fountain Opened - Melody
80. When sinners utter boasting words / They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord - Melody
81. Encouraged by thy word / The Beggar - Melody
82. Oft as the leper's case I read / The Leper - Melody
83. Physician of my sin-sick soul / A Sick Soul - Melody
84. When Jesus claims the sinner's heart / Satan Returning - Melody
85. Ye sons of earth prepare the plow / The Sower - Melody
86. Though in the outward church below / The Wheat and Tares - Melody
87. A Word from Jesus calms the sea / Peter Walking Upon the Water - Melody
88. Prayer an answer will obtain / Woman of Canaan - Melody
89. What think you of Christ? is the test / What Think Ye of Christ? - Melody
90. When descending from the sky / The Foolish Virgins - Melody
91. When Peter boasted, soon he fell / Peter Sinning and Repenting - Melody
92. Legion was my name by nature / The Legion Dispossessed - Melody
93. Could the creatures help or ease us / The Ruler's Daughter Raised - Melody
94. When the disciples crossed the lake / But One Loaf - Melody
95. Mercy, O thou Son of David! / Bartimaeus - Melody
96. Thy mansion is the christian's heart / The House of Prayer - Melody
97. One aweful word which Jesus spoke / The Blasted fig-tree - Melody
98. Once a woman silent stood / The Two Debtors - Melody
99. How kind the good Samaritan / The Good Samaritan - Melody
100. Martha her love and joy expressed / Martha and Mary - Melody
101. The castle of the human heart / The Heart Taken - Melody
102. My barns are full, my stores increase / The Worldling - Melody
103. The church a garden is / The Barren Fig-Tree - Melody
104. Afflictions, though they seem severe / The Prodigal Son - Melody
105. A Worldling spent each day / The Rich Man and Lazarus - Melody
106. Our Lord, who knows full well / The Importunate Widow - Melody
107. Zaccheus climbed the tree / Zaccheus - Melody
108. Simon, beware! the Saviour said / The Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty - Melody
109. Father, forgive the Saviour said / Father Forgive Them - Melody
110. Sovereign grace has pow'r alone / The Two Malefactors - Melody
111. Jesus, to what didst thou submit / The Woman of Samaria - Melody
112. Beside the gospel pool / The Pool of Bethesda - Melody
113. Here at Bethesda's pool, the poor / The Pool of Bethesda - Melody
114. Constrained by their Lord to embark / The Disciples at Sea - Melody
115. When any turn from Zion's way / Will Ye Also Go Away? - Melody
116. I Am, saith Christ our glorious head / The Resurrection and the Life - Melody
117. Mary to her Saviour's tomb / Weeping Mary - Melody
118. Hark, my soul! it is the Lord / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
119. 'Tis a point I long to know / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
120. As some tall rock amidst the waves / The Death of Stephen - Melody
121. Lord, thou hast won, at length I yield / The Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - Melody
122. Fervent persevering prayers / Peter Released From Prison - Melody
123. A Believer, free from care / The Trembling Jailer - Melody
124. Then the apostle wonders wrought / The Exorcists - Melody
125. If Paul in Caesar's court must stand / Paul's Voyage - Melody
126. I would, but cannot sing / The Good That I Would I Do Not - Melody
127. Darkness overspreads us here / Salvation Drawing Nearer - Melody
1 Corinthians
128. When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst / That Rock was Christ - Melody
2 Corinthians
129. Oppressed with unbelief and sin / My Grace is Sufficient For Thee - Melody
130. Strange and mysterious is my life / The Inward Warfare - Melody
131. Fierce passions discompose the mind / Contentment - Melody
132. Israel in ancient days / Old-Testament Gospel - Melody
133. The word of Christ, our Lord / The Word Quick and Powerful - Melody
134. By various maxims, forms and rules / Looking Unto Jesus - Melody
135. Afflictions do not come alone / Love-Tokens - Melody
136. Thus saith the Lord to Ephesus / Ephesus - Melody
137. The message first to Smyrna sent / Smyrna - Melody
138. Write to Sardis, saith the Lord / Sardis - Melody
139. Thus saith the holy One, and true / Philadelphia - Melody
140. Hear what the Lord, the great Amen / Laodicea - Melody
141. When the beloved disciple took / The Little Book - Melody