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Ballads, Cavalier Ballads, Ditties, Folksongs, Hymns and Jigs of England
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title. All titles are in italics.
Page last modified on: 24. January 2001
A | B C | D E F | G H | I J | K L | M N | O P | Q R S | T | U V W X Y Z |
Gallery Carol - Melody
Garden Gate, The - Melody
Garden, The - Melody
Gathering Peascods - Melody
Gently, Johnny, My Jingalo - Melody
George Ridler's Oven - Melody
Gibeon - Melody
Gideon's Fleece - Melody
Give me the wings of faith to rise - Melody
Give to our God immortal praise - Melody
Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame - Melody
Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God - Melody
Glory of the west - Melody
Gloucestershire Wassail - Melody
Go forward, Christian soldier - Melody
God above, who rules all things / The Leathern Bottel - Melody
God gives his mercies to be spent / Vanity of the World - Melody
God hath sent his angels to the earth again - Melody
God, how endless is thy love! - Melody
God in his earthly temple lays - Melody
God is our stronghold and our stay - Melody
God is the Name my soul adores - Melody
God is the refuge of His saints - Melody
God, Lord of Sabaoth, Thou who ordainest - Melody
God moves in a mysterious way - Melody
God, my supporter and my hope - Melody
God of mercy, God of grace - Melody
God of my childhood and my youth - Melody
God of my life, look gently down - Melody
God of my life, to Thee I call / Looking Upwards in a Storm - Melody
God of the morning! at whose voice - Melody
God rest ye merry, gentlemen - Melody
God rest you, merry gentlemen! / The Craven Churn-Supper Song - Melody
God save our gracious Queen / God save the Queen (King) - Melody
God save the best of kings, King Charles! / The Royal Feast - Melody
God, that madest earth and heaven - Melody
Godesses - Melody
Golden Calf, The - Melody
Golden Glove, The - Melody
Golden harps are sounding - Melody
Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King - Melody
Good People come buy / A New Song of an Orange - Melody
Good Physician, The - Melody
Good Samaritan, The - Melody
Good That I Would I Do Not, The - Melody
Goodness Mercy! Listen Percy / I Don't Want to Go to War - Melody
Gourd, The - Melody
Grace, 'tis a charming sound - Melody
Gracious Lord, our children see / Prayer for Children - Melody
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd - Melody
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost - Melody
Graies Inne Maske - Melody
Great Boobee - Melody
Great God, attend, while Zion sings - Melody
Great God, how infinite art Thou! - Melody
Great God, how oft did Isr'el prove - Melody
Great God, indulge my humble claim - Melody
Great God, the heav'ns' well-ordered frame - Melody
Great God, we sing that mighty hand - Melody
Great God, what do I see and hear? - Melody
Great God, whose universal sway - Melody
Great is the Lord, our God - Melody
Great King of nations, hear our prayer - Melody
Great Shepherd of thine Israel - Melody
Great Tribunal, The - Melody
Green Bushes, The - Melody
Green Grow the Rushes, O - Melody
Greenside Wakes Song, The - Melody
Greensleeves - Melody
Greenwood - Melody
Greenwood Tree - Melody
Grey Hawk, The - Melody
Grimstock - Melody
Gun, The - Melody
Guns, The - Melody
Gypsy Rover - Melody
Gypsy Rover, The - Melody
Hagmena Song - Melody
Hail the glorious golden city - Melody
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus! - Melody
Hail, Thou Source of every blessing - Melody
Hail to the Lord's anointed, great David's greater Son! - Melody
Hal-An-Toe - Melody
Half a league, half a league / The Charge of the Light Brigade - Melody
Halfe Hanikin - Melody
Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire - Melody
Happy the home when God is there - Melody
Happy the man to whom his God - Melody
Happy the man whose cautious feet - Melody
Hard Times of Old England - Melody
Hares On the Mountain - Melody
Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding! - Melody
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
Hark now the drums beat up again / Over the Hills and Far Away - Melody
Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes - Melody
Hark! the herald angels sing - Melody
Hark! the song of jubilee - Melody
Hark! the sound of holy voices - Melody
Hark! the voice eternal - Melody
Hark! what mean those holy voices - Melody
Harry courted modest Mary / Harry's Courtship - Melody
Harry the Tailor - Melody
Harvest - Melody
Harvest Home - Melody
Have at thy Coat old woman - Melody
Have you seen the old man in the closed down market / The Streets Of London - Melody
Haymaker's Song, The - Melody
He dies! the Friend of sinners dies! - Melody
He Led Them By a Right Way - Melody
He that is a clear Cavalier / The Cavalier - Melody
He That Will Not Merry, Merry Be - Melody
He that would a new courtier be / An Old Song On Oliver's Court - Melody
Heal me, O my Saviour, heal - Melody
Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are / Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee - Melody
He who on earth as man was known / The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church - Melody
Hearts ease - Melody
Health, love and peace be all here in this place / The King - Melody
Health to Betty - Melody
Healths - Melody
Hear us, thou that broodedst - Melody
Hear what God the Lord hath spoken / The Future Peace and Glory of the Church - Melody
Hear what the Lord in vision said - Melody
Hear what the Lord, the great Amen / Laodicea - Melody
Heart of Oak - Melody
Heart Taken, The - Melody
Heavenly Joy on Earth - Melody
Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail - Melody
Here at Bethesda's pool, the poor / The Pool of Bethesda - Melody
Here in Thy name, eternal God - Melody
Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green - Melody
Here's a health to the barley mow! / The Barley-Mow Song - Melody
Here's a health unto his Majesty - Melody
Here's a health unto our master / Suffolk Harvest-home Song - Melody
Here's a letter to you madam / Richies Lady - Melody
Here's adieu sweet lovely Nancy - Melody
Hey, Then, Up Go We - Melody
Hide Parke - Melody
Hiding Place, The - Melody
High in the heavens, eternal God - Melody
Hinky-dinky parlez-vous - Melody
His master taken from his head / On the Death of a Minister - Melody
Hit or misse - Melody
Hitchin May Day Song, The - Melody
Hitler, he only had one ball / Hitler Has Only Got One Ball - Melody
HMS Hood, The - Melody
Hockley i'th hole - Melody
Hold out, brave Charles, and thou shaft win the field / Upon His Majesty's Coming To Holmby - Melody
Hold the Fort - Melody
Holly And The Ivy, The - Melody
Holy Father, cheer our way - Melody
Holy Father, in Thy mercy - Melody
Holy Ghost, with light divine - Melody
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord - Melody
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! - Melody
Holmfirth Anthem - Melody
Honey though the bee prepares / Vanity of the Creature Sanctified - Melody
Hosanna to the living Lord! - Melody
House of Prayer, The - Melody
How awful is thy chast'ning rod! - Melody
How beauteous are at their feet - Melody
How beauteous were the marks divine - Melody
How blest the righteous are / Balaam's Wish - Melody
How David, when by sin deceived / David's Fall - Melody
How fast their guilt and sorrows rise - Melody
How hurtful was the choice of Lot / Lot in Sodom - Melody
How kind the good Samaritan / The Good Samaritan - Melody
How long, O Lord, shall I complain - Melody
How long wilt thou conceal thy face? - Melody
How lost was my condition / The Good Physician - Melody
How pleasant a sailor's life passes / Why Should We Quarrel For Riches - Melody
How pleasant, how divinely fair - Melody
How precious is the Book Divine - Melody
How shall the young secure their hearts - Melody
How sweet and aweful is the place - Melody
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds - Melody
How tedious and tasteless the hours / None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee - Melody
How vast the benefits divine - Melody
Humbled and Silenced By Mercy - Melody
Hunting Song - Melody
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber / Watt's Cradle Song - Melody