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Hymns and Spirituals of All Nations
Choräle und Spirituals von allen Ländern
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Take me as I am, O Saviour / Bryn Calfaria - Melody
Take my life and let it be - Melody
Tarry with me, O my Saviour! - Melody
Teach me the measure of my days - Melody
Ten thousand times ten thousand - Melody
Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled - Melody
That day of wrath, that dreadful day - Melody
That Man a Godly Life Might Live - Melody
That man no guard or weapons needs / The Believer's Safety - Melody
That Rock was Christ - Melody
The advent of our King - Melody
The ancient Law departs - Melody
The angel Gabriel from Heaven came / Gabriel's Message - Melody
The book of nature open lies / The Book of Creation - Melody
The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us - Melody
The castle of the human heart / The Heart Taken - Melody
The church a garden is / The Barren Fig-Tree - Melody
The church of God is one - Melody
The Church's one foundation - Melody
The cross her station keeping - Melody
The cross, it standeth fast / Hallelujah for the Cross! - Melody
The day is gently sinking to a close - Melody
The day is past and gone - Melody
The day is past and over - Melody
The day is surely drawing near - Melody
The day of resurrection - Melody
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended - Melody
The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord - Melody
The duteous day now closeth - Melody
The earth forever is the Lord's - Melody
The evils that beset our path / Vanity of Life - Melody
The First good joy that Mary had - Melody
The First Nowell the Angel Did Say - Melody
The Friend of sinners dies! - Melody
The glorious gates of righteousness - Melody
The God of Abraham praise - Melody
The God of our salvation hears - Melody
The Gospel shows the Father's grace - Melody
The Head that once was crowned with thorns - Melody
The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord - Melody
The kine unguided went / The Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All - Melody
The king, O Lord, with songs of praise - Melody
The King of Love my Shepherd is - Melody
The King of saints, how fair his face - Melody
The Law commands and makes us know - Melody
The Law of God is good and wise - Melody
The lion that on Sampson roared / Sampson's Lion - Melody
The Lord hath helped me hitherto - Melody
The Lord Jehovah reigns; His throne is built on high - Melody
The Lord, my God, be praised - Melody
The Lord my pasture shall prepare - Melody
The Lord my Shepherd is - Melody
The Lord of glory is my light - Melody
The Lord proclaims his grace abroad! / The Covenant - Melody
The Lord, the Judge, before his throne - Melody
The Lord, the Judge, his churches warns - Melody
The Lord, the Sovereign, sends his summons forth - Melody
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want - Melody
The man is ever blest - Melody
The manna favored Israel's meat / Manna Hoarded - Melody
The message first to Smyrna sent / Smyrna - Melody
The moon in silver glory shone - Melody
The morning light is breaking - Melody
The Mouth of Fools doth God confess - Melody
The old year now hath passed away - Melody
The people that in darkness sat - Melody
The praise of Zion waits for thee - Melody
The prophets sons, in time of old / The Borrowed Axe - Melody
The radiant morn hath passed away - Melody
The radiant sun shines in the skies - Melody
The roseate hues of early dawn, the brightness of the day - Melody
The royal banners forward go - Melody
The saints on earth and those above - Melody
The saints should never be dismayed / Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide - Melody
The Saviour calls; let every ear - Melody
The Saviour kindly calls - Melody
The shadows of the evening hours - Melody
The Shepherd of Love is seeking the lost - Melody
The signs which God to Gideon gave / Gideon's Fleece - Melody
The Son of God goes forth to war - Melody
The star proclaims the King is here - Melody
The strife is o'er, the battle done - Melody
The sun arises now - Melody
The sun is sinking fast - Melody
The sun's last beam of light is gone - Melody
The voice that breathed o'er Eden - Melody
The water stood like walls of brass / The Creatures in the Lord's Hands - Melody
The will of God is always best - Melody
The wise may bring their learning - Melody
The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought - Melody
The word of Christ, our Lord / The Word Quick and Powerful - Melody
The world is very evil - Melody
Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower - Melody
Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength - Melody
Then the apostle wonders wrought / The Exorcists - Melody
There's a great day coming - Melody
There's a royal banner given for display / The Banner of the Cross - Melody
There is a blessed home - Melody
There is a fountain filled with blood - Melody
There is a green hill far away - Melody
There is a land of pure delight - Melody
There is an hour of peaceful rest - Melody
There shall be showers of blessing - Melody
There were ninety and nine that safely lay / The Ninety and Nine - Melody
They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord - Melody
Thine forever, God of Love! - Melody
Thine honor save, O Christ, our Lord - Melody
Think, mighty God, on feeble man - Melody
This child we dedicate to Thee - Melody
This day at thy creating word - Melody
This Is My Father's World - Melody
This is the day of light - Melody
This is the day the Lord hath made - Melody
This night a wondous revelation - Melody
This spacious earth is all the Lord's - Melody
Those eternal bowers - Melody
Thou art coming, O my Saviour! - Melody
Thou art the Way; to Thee alone - Melody
Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown - Melody
Thou Light of Gentile nations - Melody
Thou remainest, blest Redeemer - Melody
Thou to whose all-searching sight - Melody
Thou who art Three in Unity - Melody
Thou who roll'st the year around - Melody
Thou who the night in prayer didst spend - Melody
Thou whose almighty word - Melody
Though cloudy skies, and northern blasts / Waiting for Spring - Melody
Though in the outward church below / The Wheat and Tares - Melody
Though Jericho pleasantly stood / Jericho; or, The Waters Healed - Melody
Though troubles assail / The Lord Will Provide - Melody
Three in One, and One in Three - Melody
Throned upon the awe-full tree - Melody
Through all the changing scenes of life - Melody
Through every age, eternal God - Melody
Through good report and evil, Lord - Melody
Through Jesus' blood and merit - Melody
Through the day Thy love hath spared us - Melody
Through the night of doubt and sorrow - Melody
Thus far the Lord hath led me on - Melody
Thus I resolved before the Lord - Melody
Thus saith the holy One, and true / Philadelphia - Melody
Thus saith the Lord, The spacious fields - Melody
Thus saith the Lord to Ephesus / Ephesus - Melody
Thus saith the Lord, "Your work is vain" - Melody
Thy mansion is the christian's heart / The House of Prayer - Melody
Thy table I approach - Melody
Thy way, not mine, O Lord - Melody
Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design - Melody
Thy works, not mine, O Christ - Melody
While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift - Melody
Time, with an unwearied hand / Time How Short - Melody
'Tis a point I long to know / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand - Melody
'Tis good, Lord, to be here - Melody
’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - Melody
To God be the glory, great things He hath done - Melody
To God I cried with mournful voice - Melody
To God the anthem raising - Melody
To Jordan came our Lord the Christ - Melody
To our Redeemer's glorious name - Melody
To Shepherds as They Watched by Night - Melody
To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted - Melody
To the fair shores of Eden / The Bright Hills of Glory - Melody
To the name of our salvation - Melody
To thee, most Holy and most High - Melody
To Thee my heart I offer - Melody
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise - Melody
To Thee, our God, we fly - Melody
To thine almighty arm we owe - Melody
To thy Temple I repair - Melody
Tochter Zion, freue dich - Melodie
Today Thy mercy calls us - Melody
Trembling Jailer, The - Melody
Tritt her, o Seel, und dank dem Herrn - Melodie
Tröstet, tröstet meine Lieben - Melodie
True Aaron, The - Melody
Trust and Obey - Melody
Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared - Melody
Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte - Melodie
'Twas for thy sake, eternal God - Melody
'Twas in the watches of the night - Melody
'Twas on that dark, that doleful night - Melody
'Twas the commission of our Lord - Melody
Two Debtors, The - Melody
Two Malefactors, The - Melody
Unto thine hand, O God of truth - Melody
Unumschränkte Liebe, gönne blöden Augen - Melodie
Upon the cross extended - Melody
Valet wil ich dir geben - Melodie
Vanity of Life - Melody
Vanity of the Creature Sanctified - Melody
Vanity of the World - Melody
Vater unser im Himmelreich - Melodie
Verleih' uns Frieden gnädiglich - Melodie
Verzage nicht, du Häuflein klein - Melodie
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her - Melodie
Vom Himmel hoch, o Engel kommt - Melodie
Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar - Melodie
Von den klugen Jungfrauen - Melodie
Von Gott will ich nicht laßen - Melodie
Von Jesse kommt ein Wurzel zart - Melodie
Voran mit Gott Jehova - Melodie