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Hymns and Spirituals of All Nations
Choräle und Spirituals von allen Ländern
Page last modified on: / Seite zuletzt geändert: 2. March 2001
A B | C D E | F G | H | I J K | L | M N | O | P Q R S | T U V | W X Y Z |
Paul's Voyage - Melody
Pensive, doubting, fearful heart / To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted - Melody
Peter Released From Prison - Melody
Peter Sinning and Repenting - Melody
Peter Walking Upon the Water - Melody
Philadelphia - Melody
Physician of my sin-sick soul / A Sick Soul - Melody
Pleading For Mercy - Melody
Plenty in a Time of Dearth - Melody
Pool of Bethesda, The - Melody
Pool of Bethesda, The - Melody
Poor Esau repented too late / Esau - Melody
Poor sinners! little do they think / Belshazzar - Melody
Poor, weak and worthless though I am / Christ a Redeemer and Friend - Melody
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high - Melody
Power and Triumph of Faith, The - Melody
Praise For the Fountain Opened - Melody
Praise God from whom all blessings flow / Doxology - Melody
Praise God the Lord, ye sons of men - Melody
Praise Him! Praise Him! - Melody
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven - Melody
Praise, oh, praise, our God and King - Melody
Praise the Almighty, my soul, adore Him! - Melody
Praise the Lord! O Heavens, adore him - Melody
Praise to God, immortal praise - Melody
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Melody
Praise to Thee and adoration - Melody
Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee - Melody
Praise we the Lord this day - Melody
Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join - Melody
Prayer an answer will obtain / Woman of Canaan - Melody
Prayer For a Blessing - Melody
Prayer for Children - Melody
Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence - Melody
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire - Melody
Preserve me, Lord, in time of need - Melody
Prodigal Son, The - Melody
Prophete Jesu, du bist groß - Melodie
Queen of Sheba - Melody
Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - Melody
Rede, liebster Jesu, rede - Melodie
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! - Melody
Redeemed, restored, forgiven - Melody
Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church, The - Melody
Rejoice, my heart, be glad and sing - Melody
Rejoice, rejoice, believers - Melody
Rejoice, rejoice, this happy morn - Melody
Rejoice, the Lord is King! - Melody
Rejoice, ye pure in heart - Melody
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord - Melody
Remember, Lord, our mortal state - Melody
Renew me, O eternal Light - Melody
Resurrection and the Life, The - Melody
Rett, o Herr Jesu, rett dein' Ehr' - Melodie
Return, O God of love, return - Melody
Return, O wanderer, return - Melody
Rich Man and Lazarus, The - Melody
Ride on, ride on, in majesty! - Melody
Ring out the old, ring in the new - Melody
Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise! - Melody
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray - Melody
Rise, Thou Light of Gentile nations - Melody
Rise! To arms! With prayer employ you - Melody
Rise, ye children of salvation - Melody
Rock of Ages, cleft for me - Melody
Rocked in the cradle of the deep - Melody
Roll, Jordan, Roll - Melody
Round me falls the night - Melody
Ruler's Daughter Raised, The - Melody
Rüstet euch, ihr Christenleute - Melodie
Safely through another week / Saturday Evening - Melody
Said the angel, "He is risen!" / He Is Risen - Melody
Saints of God, the dawn is bright'ning - Melody
Salvation Drawing Nearer - Melody
Salvation is for ever nigh - Melody
Salvation unto us has come - Melody
Sampson's Lion - Melody
Sanctus - Melodie
Sardis - Melody
Satan Returning - Melody
Saturday Evening - Melody
Saul's Armor - Melody
Save me, O God, the swelling floods - Melody
Save me, O Lord, from every foe - Melody
Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise - Melody
Saviour, blessed Saviour - Melody
Saviour, breathe an evening blessing - Melody
Savior, I follow on - Melody
Savior of the Nations, Come - Melody
Saviour shine and cheer my soul / The Change - Melody
Savior, sprinkle many nations - Melody
Savior, Thy dying love - Melody
Saviour, when in dust to Thee - Melody
Saviour, when night involves the skies - Melody
Savior, who Thy flock art feeding - Melody
Saw you never, in the twilight - Melody
Schaffe in mir Gott, ein reines Herze - Melodie
Schaut die Mutter voller Schmerzen - Melodie
Schaut, schaut, was ist für Wunder bar? - Melodie
Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele - Melodie
Schönster Herr Jesu - Melodie
Schönstes Kindlein bestes Kindlein - Melodie
Schwing dich auf, mein ganz Gemüte - Melodie
See Aaron, God's anointed priest / The True Aaron - Melody
See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph - Melody
See! the corn again in ear! / Harvest - Melody
See the gloomy gath'ring cloud / The Hiding Place - Melody
Seek where ye may To find a way - Melody
Seele, geh auf Golgatha - Melodie
Seele, mach dich eilig auf - Melodie
Segne Du Maria, segne mich Dein Kind - Melodie
Segne, Herr, mit deinem Geiste - Melodie
Segne uns, Herr und behüte uns! / Herr, gib uns Frieden - Melodie
Sei Lob und Ehr' dem höchsten Gut - Melodie
Sei mir tausendmal gegrüßet - Melodie
Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit - Melody
Send Thou, O Lord, to every place - Melody
Shall we gather at the river - Melody
Shepherd of tender youth - Melody
Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine - Melody
Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing - Melody
Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive - Melody
Shut de do, keep out de debbil / Shut de Do' - Melody
Sie ist mir lieb, die werthe Magd - Melodie
Sieh, hier bin ich, Ehrenkönig - Melodie
Silent Night Holy Night - Melodie
Simon, beware! the Saviour said / The Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty - Melody
Sinful, sighing to be blest - Melody
Sing, all ye nations, to the Lord - Melody
Sing mit mir ein Halleluja - Melodie
Sing, O sing, this blessed morn - Melody
Sing to the Lord aloud - Melody
Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands - Melody
Sion, the marvelous story be telling - Melody
Smyrna - Melody
So führst du doch recht selig, Herr, die Deinen - Melodie
So let our lips and lives express - Melody
So ruhest du, o meine Ruh - Melodie
So wahr ich leb', spricht Gott der Herr - Melodie
So wie Jesus möcht ich sein - Melodie
Soft as the voice of an Angel / Whispering Hope - Melody
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling - Melody
Softly now the light of day - Melody
Soldiers of Christ, arise - Melody
Soldiers of the Cross, arise - Melody
Sollt' ich meinem Gott nicht singen - Melodie
Son of God! thy people's shield / Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence - Melody
Song of the Lamb, The - Melody
Songs of praise the angels sang - Melody
Songs of thankfulness and praise - Melody
Soon as I heard my Father say - Melody
Soul, adorn thyself with gladness - Melody
Soul, what return has God, thy Savior - Melody
Sovereign grace has pow'r alone / The Two Malefactors - Melody
Sower, The - Melody
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness / Bringing in the Sheaves - Melody
Speak, O Lord, Thy servant heareth - Melody
Speis uns, o Gott, deine Kinder - Melodie
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers - Melody
Spread, oh, spread, thou mighty Word - Melody
Stand up, stand up for Jesus - Melody
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright - Melody
Steal Away - Melody
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus hilft siegen - Melodie
Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht - Melodie
Strange and mysterious is my life / The Inward Warfare - Melody
Stricken, smitten, and afflicted - Melody
Strong Son of God, immortal love - Melody
Such', wer da will, ein ander Ziel - Melodie
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear - Melody
Sünder, freue dich von Herzen - Melodie
Supported by the word / The Power and Triumph of Faith - Melody
Sure there's a righteous God - Melody
Sweet flowerets of the martyr band - Melody
Sweet is the work, my God, my King - Melody
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing - Melody
Sweet was the time when first I felt / Oh That I Were As In Months Past! - Melody
Swell the anthem, raise the song - Melody
Swing low, sweet chariot - Melody