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Hymns and Spirituals of All Nations
Choräle und Spirituals von allen Ländern
Page last modified on: / Seite zuletzt geändert: 24. January 2001
A B | C D E | F G | H | I J K | L | M N | O | P Q R S | T U V | W X Y Z |
Fairest Lord Jesus - Melody
Faisons éclater notre joie - Mélodie
Faith's Review and Expectation - Melody
Far as thy name is known - Melody
Farewell I gladly bid Thee - Melody
Father, forgive the Saviour said / Father Forgive Them - Melody
Father Forgive Them - Melody
Father, how wide thy glories shine! - Melody
Father, I sing thy wondrous grace - Melody
Father, in whom we live - Melody
Father, let me dedicate - Melody
Father most holy, merciful, and tender - Melody
Father of glory, to Thy name - Melody
Father of heaven, whose love profound - Melody
Father of mercies, in Thy Word - Melody
Father, who the light this day - Melody
Father, whose hand hath led me so securely - Melody
Feed Thy children, God most holy - Melody
Fervent persevering prayers / Peter Released From Prison - Melody
Fierce passions discompose the mind / Contentment - Melody
Fight the good fight With all thy might - Melody
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Melody
Firm was my health, my day was bright - Melody
Fließt, ihr Augen, fließt von Thränen - Melodie
Fling out the banner! - Melody
Flung to the heedless winds - Melody
Foolish Virgins, The - Melody
Fools in their heart believe and say - Melody
For all the saints who from their labours rest - Melody
For all Thy saints, O Lord - Melody
For me to live Is Jesus - Melody
For mercies, countless as the sands / What Shall I Render - Melody
For thee, O dear, dear country - Melody
For Thy mercy and Thy grace - Melody
Forever shall my song record - Melody
Forever with the Lord - Melody
Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go - Melody
Forty days and forty nights - Melody
Forward! be our watchword - Melody
Founded on Thee, our only Lord - Melody
Freu dich, Erd und Sternenzelt - Melodie
Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle! - Melodie
Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen - Melodie
From all that dwell below the skies - Melody
From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee - Melody
From eternity, O God - Melody
From every stormy wind that blows - Melody
From God shall naught divide me - Melody
From Greenland's icy mountains - Melody
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come - Melody
From pole to pole let others roam / The Lord Is My Portion - Melody
From Sheba a distant report / Queen of Sheba - Melody
Frühmorgens, da die Sonn aufgeht - Melodie
Fulness of Jesus, The - Melody
Fünf Brünnlein sind - Melodie
Fürwahr der Herr trug selbst - Melodie
Future Peace and Glory of the Church, The - Melody
Garden, The - Melody
Gebet am Grabe - Melodie
Geduldigs Lämmlein, Jesu Christ - Melodie
Gehe auf, du Trost der Heiden - Melodie
Geht hin, ihr gläubigen Gedanken - Melodie
Gelobet sei der Herr - Melodie
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Melodie
Gibeon - Melody
Gideon's Fleece - Melody
Give me the wings of faith to rise - Melody
Give to our God immortal praise - Melody
Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame - Melody
Gleichwie ein Hirschlein mit Begierd - Melodie
Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God - Melody
Glory be to God the Father - Melody
Glory be to Jesus - Melody
Go Down, Moses - Melody
Go forward, Christian soldier - Melody
Go, labour on: spend, and be spent - Melody
Go to dark Gethsemane - Melody
God bless our native land! - Melody
God gives his mercies to be spent / Vanity of the World - Melody
God hath sent his angels to the earth again - Melody
God Himself is present - Melody
God, how endless is thy love! - Melody
God in his earthly temple lays - Melody
God is our stronghold and our stay - Melody
God is the Name my soul adores - Melody
God is the refuge of His saints - Melody
God, Lord of Sabaoth, Thou who ordainest - Melody
God loved the world so that He gave - Melody
God moves in a mysterious way - Melody
God, my supporter and my hope - Melody
God of mercy, God of grace - Melody
God of my childhood and my youth - Melody
God of my life, look gently down - Melody
God of my life, to Thee I call / Looking Upwards in a Storm - Melody
God of the morning! at whose voice - Melody
God of the prophets, bless the prophet's sons - Melody
God rest ye, merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay - Melody
God, that madest earth and heaven - Melody
God, the Father, with us stay - Melody
God, who madest earth and heaven - Melody
God's Word is our great heritage - Melody
Goin' to shout all over God's Heav'n / Heav'n Heav'n - Melody
Golden Calf, The - Melody
Golden harps are sounding - Melody
Gone from my heart the world and all its charm / I Love Him - Melody
Good Christian men, rejoice - Melody
Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King - Melody
Good Physician, The - Melody
Good Samaritan, The - Melody
Good That I Would I Do Not, The - Melody
Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei - Melodie
Gott, der wirds wohl machen - Melodie
Gott des Himmels und der Erden - Melodie
Gott, du hast in deinem Sohn - Melodie
Gott, Erd und Himmel samt dem Meer - Melodie
Gott fähret auf gen Himmel - Melodie
Gott Heil'ger Geist, hilf uns mit Grund - Melodie
Gott ist die Liebe selbst - Melodie
Gott ist gegen wärtig! - Melodie
Gott ist getreu, sein Herz, sein Vaterherz - Melodie
Gott ist mein allerhöchstes Gut - Melodie
Gott Lob, ein neues Kirchenjahr - Melodie
Gott Lob, mein Jesus macht mich rein - Melodie
Gott Lob und Dank, es ist nunmehr - Melodie
Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt - Melodie
Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet - Melodie
Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig - Melodie
Gott Vater, Herr, wir danken dir - Melodie
Gottes Sohn ist kommen - Melodie
Gottes und Marien Sohn - Melodie
Gourd, The - Melody
Grace, 'tis a charming sound - Melody
Gracious Lord, our children see / Prayer for Children - Melody
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd - Melody
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost - Melody
Great God, attend, while Zion sings - Melody
Great God, how infinite art Thou! - Melody
Great God, how oft did Isr'el prove - Melody
Great God, indulge my humble claim - Melody
Great God, the heav'ns' well-ordered frame - Melody
Great God, we sing that mighty hand - Melody
Great God, what do I see and hear? - Melody
Great God, whose universal sway - Melody
Great is the Lord, our God - Melody
Great King of nations, hear our prayer - Melody
Great Master, touch us with Thy skillful hands - Melody
Great Shepherd of thine Israel - Melody
Great Tribunal, The - Melody
Großer Gott, wir loben dich - Melodie
Großer Prophete, mein Herze begehret - Melodie
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah - Melody
Guter Hirt, du hast gestillt - Melodie