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Hymns and Spirituals of All Nations
Choräle und Spirituals von allen Ländern
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Wach auf, du Geist der ersten Zeugen - Melodie
Wach auf, mein Herz - Melodie
Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme - Melodie
Waiting for Spring - Melody
Wake, awake, for night is flying - Melody
Walking with God - Melody
Walte, fürder, nah und fern - Melodie
Wär' Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit - Melodie
Warum sollt' ich mich den grämen? - Melodie
Warum willt du draußen stehen - Melodie
Was fürcht'st du, Feind Herodes, sehr? - Melodie
Was gibst du denn, o meine Seele - Melodie
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Melodie
Was Gott tut, das ist wohl getan - Melodie
Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit - Melodie
Watchman, tell us of the night - Melody
We all believe in one true God - Melody
We all believe in one true God - Melody
We are a garden walled around - Melody
We are the Lord's; His all-sufficient merit - Melody
We are tossed and driven / We'll Understand it Better By and By - Melody
We bear the strains of earthly care - Melody
We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name - Melody
We bless the Lord, the just, the good - Melody
We Christians May Rejoice Today - Melody
We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing - Melody
We give Thee but Thine own - Melody
We Have a Sure Prophetic Word - Melody
We love thee, Lord, and we adore - Melody
We march, we march to victory - Melody
We may not climb the heavenly steeps - Melody
We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost - Melody
We plow the fields, and scatter - Melody
We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator - Melody
We sing, Immanuel, Thy praise - Melody
We sing the almighty power of God - Melody
We sing the praise of Him who died - Melody
We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest Friend - Melody
We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen - Melody
Wearied by day with toils and cares - Melody
Weary of wandering from my God - Melody
Weeping Mary - Melody
Weicht, ihr Berge, fallt, ihr Hügel - Melodie
Weil ich Jesu Schäflein bin - Melodie
Welcome, happy morning! - Melody
Welcome, sweet day of rest - Melody
Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen - Melodie
Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn, o Gott - Melodie
Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist - Melodie
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein - Melodie
Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut - Melodie
Wer ist wohl wie du - Melodie
Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten - Melodie
Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende - Melodie
We've a Story to Tell to the Nations - Melody
What a friend we have in Jesus - Melody
What a mournful life is mine / Dwelling in Mesech - Melody
What a wonderful Savior! - Melody
What God ordains is always good - Melody
What is the world to me - Melody
What our Father does is well - Melody
What Shall I Render - Melody
What the joy and the glory must be - Melody
What think you of Christ? is the test / What Think Ye of Christ? - Melody
Wheat and Tares, The - Melody
When Adam fell he quickly lost / Cain and Abel - Melody
When all thy mercies, O my God - Melody
When any turn from Zion's way / Will Ye Also Go Away? - Melody
When Christ to judgment shall descend - Melody
When Christ was born of Mary free - Melody
When descending from the sky / The Foolish Virgins - Melody
When first my soul enlisted / Saul's Armor - Melody
When first to make my heart his own / Dagon Before the Ark - Melody
When God is nigh, my faith is strong - Melody
When Hannah pressed with grief - Melody
When I can read my title clear - Melody
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Melody
When in the hour of utmost need - Melody
When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves - Melody
When Israel heard the fiery law / The Golden Calf - Melody
When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst / That Rock was Christ - Melody
When Israel was from Egypt freed / He Led Them By a Right Way - Melody
When Israel was in Egypt's land / Go Down, Moses - Melody
When Jesus claims the sinner's heart / Satan Returning - Melody
When Joseph his brethren beheld / Joseph Made Known to His Brethren - Melody
When Joshua, by God's command / Gibeon - Melody
When man grows bold in sin - Melody
When, marshaled on the nightly plain - Melody
When morning gilds the skies - Melody
When my last hour is close at hand - Melody
When o'er my sins I sorrow - Melody
When, overwhelm'd with grief - Melody
When Peter boasted, soon he fell / Peter Sinning and Repenting - Melody
When sinners see their lost condition - Melody
When sinners utter boasting words / They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord - Melody
When, streaming from the eastern skies - Melody
When the beloved disciple took / The Little Book - Melody
When the disciples crossed the lake / But One Loaf - Melody
When the great Judge, supreme and just - Melody
When we walk with the Lord / Trust and Obey - Melody
When wounded sore the stricken soul - Melody
Where shall the man be found - Melody
Where wilt Thou go since night draws near - Melody
While I keep silence, and conceal - Melody
While men grow bold in wicked ways - Melody
While shepherds kept their watching / Go Tell It On the Mountain - Melody
While shepherds watched their flocks by night - Melody
While thee I seek, protecting Power - Melody
While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift - Melody
While yet the morn is breaking - Melody
Who is this that comes from Edom - Melody
Who knows when death may overtake me! - Melody
Who shall ascend thy heav'nly place - Melody
Who shall inhabit in thy hill - Melody
Who trusts in God a strong abode - Melody
Why did the Jews proclaim their rage? - Melody
Why did the nations join to slay - Melody
Why do the proud insult the poor - Melody
Why do the wealthy wicked boast - Melody
Why do we mourn departing friends - Melody
Why doth the Lord stand off so far? - Melody
Why doth the man of riches grow - Melody
Why has my God my soul forsook - Melody
Why, Herod, unrelenting foe - Melody
Why should cross and trial grieve me? - Melody
Why should I vex my soul, and fret - Melody
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - Melodie
Wie soll ich dich empfangen - Melodie
Wie wohl hast du gelabet - Melodie
Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen - Melodie
Will God for ever cast us off? - Melody
Will Ye Also Go Away? - Melody
Wilt thou, O Man, live happily - Melody
Wir Christenleut' hab'n jetzund Freud - Melodie
Wir danken dir, Herr, insgemein - Melodie
Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Melodie
Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Melodie
Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Melodie
Wir danken dir, o treuer Gott - Melodie
Wir glauben all' an einen Gott - Melodie
Wir glauben all' an einen Gott - Melodie
Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben oder sterben - Melodie
Wir singen dir, Immanuel - Melodie
Wir treten zum Beten vor Gott den Gerechten - Melodie
Wir treten zum Beten vor Gott den Herren - Melodie
Wisdom - Melody
With broken heart and contrite sigh - Melody
With earnest longings of the mind - Melody
With humble heart and drooping brow / Hymn For the National Funeral - Melody
With my whole heart I'll raise my song - Melody
With rev'rence let the saints appear - Melody
With Satan, my accuser, near / A Brand plucked out of the Fire - Melody
Within the Father's house - Melody
Wo willst du hin, weil's Abend ist - Melodie
Wohl dem, der in Gottesfurcht steht - Melodie
Wohl denen, die da wandeln - Melodie
Wohl einem Haus, da Jesus Christ - Melodie
Wohlauf, mein Herze, sing und spring - Melodie
Woman of Canaan - Melody
Woman of Samaria, The - Melody
Womit soll ich dich wohl loben - Melodie
Word Supreme, before creation - Melody
Worldling, The - Melody
Write to Sardis, saith the Lord / Sardis - Melody
Wunderanfang, herrlichs Ende - Melodie
Wunderbarer Gnadenthron - Melodie
Wunderbarer König, Herrscher von uns allen - Melodie
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem - Melody
Ye holy souls, in God rejoice - Melody
Ye lands, to the Lord make a jubilant noise - Melody
Ye nations round the earth, rejoice - Melody
Ye Sons and Daughters of the King - Melody
Ye sons of earth prepare the plow / The Sower - Melody
Ye sons of men, oh, hearken - Melody
Ye sons of pride, that hate the just - Melody
Ye watchers and ye holy ones - Melody
Yea, as I live, Jehovah saith - Melody
Years I spent in vanity and pride / At Calvary - Melody
Yeoman's Carol - Melody
"Yet," saith the Lord, if David's race - Melody
Zaccheus climbed the tree / Zaccheus - Melody
Zeuch ein zu meinen Toren - Melodie
Zeuch uns nach dir - Melodie
Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen - Melodie
Zion mourns in fear and anguish - Melody
Zion, or the City of God - Melody
Zion stands by hills surrounded - Melody
Zu Bethlehem geboren - Melodie
Zween der Jünger gehn mit Sehnen - Melodie
Zweifel an menschlicher Klugheit - Melodie