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Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics / Die Lieder sind nach Liedanfang und Liedtitel geordnet
SD= Short Drag Shanty , LD =Long Drag Shanty , CAP = Capstan Shanty
Sailor's Dictionary of Terms / Seemann's Wörterbuch (nur auf Englisch)
Page last modified / Seite zuletzt geändert am: 24. January 2001
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A - D | E - K | L - R | S - Z |
15 Mann auf des toten Manns Kiste - Melodie
15 men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum - Melody
23rd of February, The - Melody
A-Cruising We Will Go - Melody
A captain bold from Halifax / The Unfortunate Miss Bailey - Melody
A dollar a day is a stevedore's pay / A Long Time Ago - Melody
A hundred years is a very long time - Melody
A is the anchor that holds a bold ship / The Sailor's Alphabet - Melody
A! la feuille s'envole, s'envole / Les Filles de la Rochelle - Mélodie
A landlady of France loved an officer, 'tis said / A Drop of Brandy-O - Melody
A life on the ocean wave, a-home on the rolling deep! - Melody
A long, long time, and a long time ago / A Long Time Ago LD - Melody
A moi forban que m'importe la gloire / Le Forban - Mélodie
A Nantes, à Nantes, vient d'arriver / Brassons Bien Partout Carré - Mélodie
A La Rochelle est arrive / Roulez, Jeunes Gens, Roulez! - Mélodie
A sailor from Dover, from Dover he came / Proud Sally - Melody
A schooner was built on the Baltic / Albertina or Skonnert Albertina - Melody
A wet sheet and a flowing sea - Melody
A Yankee ship comes down the river / Blow, Bullies, Blow LD - Melody
Abel Brown, the Sailor - Melody
Abdul Abulbul Amir - Melody
Abschied - Melodie
Ach, was ist doch ein Schifferleben / Das Schifferleben - Melodie
Across the Western Ocean CAP - Melody
Adieu, cher camarade, adieu, faut nous quitter - Mélodie
Adieu my fair young maidens / The Holy Ground - Melody
Adieu, Recouvrance - Mélodie
Adieu sweet lovely Nancy Ten Thousand times adieu - Melody
Adjö, farväl min hulda, kära flicka / Sjömansvisa - Melodie
Admiral Benbow - Melody
Al twintig jaar vaar ik op de zoute plas / De zoute plas - Melody
Alabama - Melody
Alabama John Cherokee - Melody
Albertina - Melody
All For Me Grog - Melody
All things are quite silent, each mortal at rest - Melody
All things we have ready and nothing we want / Lustily, Lustily - Melody
Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt gehen - Melodie
Alle segeln nach dem norden / Walfanglied - Melodie
Allez les marins, encor' un p'tit verre - Mélodie
Allons à Messine - Mélodie
Aloha ohe - Melodie
Als ich an einem Sommertag - Melodie
Als ich stand auf hohem Berge / Die Seemannsbraut - Melodie
Als nach Japon weit entlegen / Xaver - Melodie
Am Indiastrande - Melodie
Amphitrite, The - Melody
An der Nordseeküste - Melodie
Anchors Aweigh - Melody
And he kissed her on the face / Baltimore Shanty - Melody
And it's three score and ten / Three Score and Ten - Melody
Andrew Rose, the British sailor - Melody
Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune - Melody
Antje, mein blondes Kind - Melodie
Après sept années de guerre / Guerre, Guerre, Vent Devant - Mélodie
Around Cape Horn we've got to go - Melody
Arranmore Boat Song, The - Melody
As I rov'd out one ev'ning fair / The Dark-Eyed Sailor - Melody
As I strolled out one evening / The Fire Ship - Melody
As I walked down the Broadway / New York Girls - Melody
As I was a-walkin' upon a fine day / Little Mohee or Indian Lass - Melody
As I was walkin' down London Street / Paddy West - Melody
As I was a-walking down Wapping / Ratcliffe Highway - Melody
As I went a walking one evening so rare / Fiddler's Green - Melody
As I went out one evening / One of the Roamin' Kind - Melody
As ick jung an Johren wär / Südsee-Lied - Melodie
As it fell on a holy day / John Dory - Melody
As-tu connu le père Winslow - Mélodie
At the dawn of the morning - Melody
Auf dem Atlantik, auf dem weiten Meer / Lili Marleen zur See - Melodie
Auf den Wellen - Melodie
Auf der Reeperbahn - Melodie
Auf einem Seemannsgrab - Melodie
Auf, grüner Jung, reck deine Glieder - Melody
Auf Matrosen, die Anker gelichtet - Melody
Away and to the westward / Hills of Isle au Haut - Melody
Away, haul away, O, haul away together / Haul Away, Joe LD - Melody
Away, Rio! - Melody
Balena, The - Melody
Ballad of Captain Kidd, The - Melody
Baltimore Shanty - Melody
Banks of Brandywine, The - Melody
Banks of Newfoundland, The - Melody
Banks of Sacramento, The CAP - Melodie
Banks of Sweet Loch Ray, The - Melody
Banks of the Nile - Melody
Bark Gay Head, The - Melody
Barnacle Bill - Melody
Barrett's Privateers - Melody
Bay of Biscay, Oh!, The - Melody
Behold upon the swelling seas / A-Cruising We Will Go - Melody
Bell Bottom Trousers - Melody
Ben Backstay was our boatswain - Melody
Bigler, The - Melody
Black Ball Line, The CAP - Melody
Black Susie - Melody
Blackbird - Melody
Blaue Nacht, oh blaue Nacht am Hafen - Melodie
Blow, boys, blow - Melody
Blow, Bullies, Blow LD - Melody
Blow the Wind Westerly - Melody
Blow, Ye Winds - Melody
Bold Dighton - Melody
Bold Princess Royal, The - Melody
Bold Riley - Melody
Boney was a warrior LD - Melody
Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The - Melody
Boston Harbor - Melody
Botany Bay - Melody
Brassons Bien Partout Carré - Mélodie
Brave marin revient de guerre - Mélodie
British Man O' War - Melody
Brother Noah, Brother Noah - Melody
Bully in the Alley - Melody
Buvons un coup, buvons en deux / Le Trente-et-un du mois d'août - Mélodie
Bye-bye, my Roseanna - Melody
Can't You Dance the Polka? - Melody
Cape Cod girls they have no combs - Melody
C'est dans la cale qu'on met les rats / Le Port de Tacoma - Mélodie
C'est en passant sur l'pont d'Morlaix / Le Pont de Morlaix - Mélodie
C'est Jean-François de Nantes / Jean-François de Nantes - Mélodie
Ce sont les filles de Lorient, joli / Les filles de Lorient - Mélodie
Ce sont les gars de Senneville / Les gars de Senneville - Mélodie
Chanson À Virer -Mélodie
Chantons pour passer le temps - Mélodie
Cheerily Man - Melody
Chivalrous Shark, The - Melody
Clear the Track - Melody
Coal Black Rose - Melody
Codfish Shanty - Melody
Come all my jolly seamen, likewise you landsmen too / The Cumberland and the Merrimac - Melody
Come all ye jolly sailors brave / The Amphitrite - Melody
Come all ye seamen bold, and draw near / Admiral Benbow - Melody
Come all ye young fellow that follow the sea / The Black Ball Line CAP - Melody
Come all ye young men of learning / Botany Bay - Melody
Come all you bold fishermen / Song of the Fishes - Melody
Come all you bold heroes that plough the rough main / Bold Dighton - Melody
Come all you dry land sailors and listen to me song / The Good Ship Calibar - Melody
Come all you true-born Shanty boys / Young Monroe at Gerry's Rock - Melody
Come all you young Americans / The Bark Gay Head - Melody
Come all you warlike seamen / Warlike Seamen - Melody
Come cheer up my lads, it's to glory we steer / Heart of Oak - Melody
Come, messmates, pass the bottle 'round / Farewell To Grogg - Melody
Common Sailors - Melody
Congo River - Melody
Constitution and the Guerrière, The - Melody
Cumberland and the Merrimac, The - Melody
Curaçao, k heb jou zo menigmaal bekeken - Melody
Daar was laatst een meisje loos - Melody
Daeth diwrnod i ffarwelio / Rownd yr Horn - Melody
Damals, vor unendlich langer Zeit / An der Nordseeküste - Melodie
Dans la côte à la nuit tombée / Mon p'tit Garçon - Mélodie
Dans le port il est arrivé - Mélodie
Dans mon sac de matelot / l'Harmonica - Mélodie
Dark-Eyed Sailor, The - Melody
Das England Lied - Melodie
Das ist was für Fietje - Melodie
Das kann doch einen Seemann icht erschüttern - Melodie
Das Schiff im Hafen - Melodie
Das Schifflein - Melodie
Das Schifferleben - Melodie
Dat Lögenleed - Melodie
De Beste en maar braafste matroos aan boord / Kleine Theodoor - Melody
De blaue Flagge weiht - Melodie
De fülwern Flott - Melodie
De grote Buer, de Herr vun't Land - Melodie
De Hamborger Veermaster - Melodie
De Hoffnung weer hunnert Dag unnerwegs - Melodie
De lustige Kock - Melodie
De Noorsche Vullrigger - Melodie
De oole Schipper un sin Söhn - Melodie
De Runner von Hamborg - Melodie
De schipper en de Jonkman - Melodie
De see geiht hoch, de Wind de blast! / De Runner von Hamborg - Melodie
De Vrouw van Schipper Ké - Melody
De zoute plas - Melody
Dead Horse, The LD - Melody
Deep Blue Sea - Melody
Den stolte Skute seiler - Melody
Der alte Seebär Fietje / Das ist was für Fietje - Melodie
Der erfrorene Matrose - Melodie
Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier / U-Boot Lied (Song) - Melodie
Der Schiffer auf dem blanken Rhein - Melodie
Der Störtebecker ist unser Herr - Melodie
Der Tag war grau, der Tag war schwer - Melodie
Der Whisky ist des Seemanns Trost / Whisky - Melodie
Deutsche Flotte durch die Meere / Deutschlands Flotte - Melodie
Deutsches Flaggenlied - Melodie
Deutschlands Flotte - Melodie
Des Kaisers Admiral - Melodie
Die Bank von Sacramento - Melodie
Die Gitarre und das Meer - Melodie
Die hohen Masten und der schlanke Bug / Gorch Fock Lied - Melodie
Die Islandfischer - Melodie
Die Kneipe am Moor - Melodie
Die Reise nach Jütland (2nd version) - Melodie
Die Seemannsbraut - Melodie
Dis is de day we make our pay-day / Gimme de Banjo - Melody
Dogger Bank, The - Melody
Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea / The Grey Funnel Line - Melody
Dor weer eenmal een ohlen Kasten - Melodie
Dreadnought, The - Melody
Drop of Brandy-O, A - Melody
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